[16] - I Hate This Part

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Jeremy jumped a little in surprise and then froze at the sound of those words and the first word that came to mind was; SHIT. So, he hadn’t thought that Rory would find out and he could feel his heart suddenly slam into his ribcage and panic rise up in his chest. He wasn’t ready!

Okay, the last thing he wanted to do was lie again to Rory – that would only make matters worse, so he spun around with a sheepish smile on his face. He would placate Rory for tonight, deviate his attention away from it so that he would propose tomorrow.

“Fine, yes, I lied but –”

 “No buts!” Rory suddenly yelled and Jeremy stared at him in surprise at his outburst, “Why do you keep doing this? How many times do I have to tell you that I’m not a fucking vegetable that you need to treat like a new born child?”

Jeremy couldn’t hide his surprise that Rory was this angry and he raised his arms up as if in surrender, “Okay, Rory, you need to calm down –”

“I will not calm down,” he hissed through his teeth, walking up to Jeremy to poke him hard in the chest, “what is this? Some sort of game to you? You keep saying ‘Rory stop being so negative about your illness, it’s not good’ and then you turn around and do this shit? Is there a fucking reason why you didn’t bring me along to Grayson’s with you? He fucking adopted and I missed it!”

“You’re having exams,” Jeremy stressed gently, his heartbeat going wild underneath his ribcage, his pocket suddenly a billion times heavier; “I didn’t want to distract you. Your studying two-four-seven already has you stressed out and I didn’t want to –”

“There you go again!” he snapped angrily, throwing his arms in the air for emphasis, “there you go talking about ‘stress’ and ‘distractions’ and if my illness is such a fucking burden, why don’t you let me go?”

Really? Jeremy thought almost angrily, did Rory really think that everything revolved around him and his stupid fucking illness? Jeremy stilled, grinding his teeth and unable to help blurting, “You know what, Rory? I am so fucking done with your damning self-pity. This isn’t the least bit about your illness and you know it.”

“Oh really?” he said sarcastically, “Is there another reason why you didn’t want me to come with you? Because if there is, I sure would love to hear it!”

Jeremy felt like he couldn’t breathe and the weight of the engagement ring in his pocket seemed to burn a hole into his thigh and he managed to just glare at Rory, “I’m not talking about this when you’re ready to blow through the roof. We’ll talk about this when you’re calm and rational.”

He was about to walk past Rory but Rory held him back with his hand, “oh really? That’s your reason for leaving me behind? We are not postponing this talk. We are going to talk about this right here and now.”

Jeremy sighed and couldn’t help the way his hand flittered to the box in his pocket before quickly crossing his arms so that Rory wouldn’t notice, “Rory, you’re going to get your blood pressure going…”

Rory started laughing but the sound was dry and lacked any humour, “Really? You’re doing it AGAIN? So what? I can’t fucking argue with you because I’m at risk of having a fucking heart attack?”

Jeremy sighed, “I knew you’d be angry but this is just ridiculous.”

Rory stared at him in shocked surprise, “ridiculous? This is just ridiculous, you say? So what, I’m not allowed to rage, is that what you’re saying? I’m not allowed to scream and yell?”

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