chapter 5

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Travis's POV

Next day.

I was sitting at the park bench. Hopefully he didn't cancel. I checked the time. 12:06 six minutes....b

"I'm here!" I heard Zane gasp for air. I smiled and he panted a little.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm perfectly fine! Why?" He asked as he instantly started breathing normal again.

"U-Uhm. Nothing." I replied. I held my hand out and he gladly accepted it. We walked hand in hand together and checked out everything.

"H-Heu. Travis." Zane blushed.

"Yeah?" I asked, smirking as I saw the blush.

"Come with me." He smiled. He led the way and we walked up to some bushes. Then I realized they were vines. He pushed them out of the way and we walked through.

I froze.

"This is besutiful!" I gasped.

Zane's pov.

"I was late because I was setting this up." I blushed looking down. I set up a picnic basket and area under a cherry blossom tree, put candles on the rocks next to the water making it glow, took some flowers from the field sewling them together and I found out Travis's favorite food.

He embraced me in a hug and I smiled. Then hugged back. I gave him something. Its his bathing suit.

"Huh?" He asked.

"We can go swimming." I replied with a smile. He grabbed his bathing suit as I took off my shirt. Travis changed where I couldn't see him and since I was already wearing my black bathing suit, I waited for him.

He walked out and I swear my nose is bleeding. He has such muscular abs....

"Enjoying the view there?" He smirked. I shook my head, nocking me out of the trance and smiled.

"Shall we?" I smiled. He nodded and jumped into the water as to where I slowly got in and was only legs deep. Then is at down in the water, watching him.

"Why aren't you swimming?" Travis asked.

"I don't know how to swim." I sadly replied, filled with embarrassment. He smiled and swam to me.

"Why don't I teach you?" He smiled as he held out his hand. I looked up at him and he smiled. Then I took his hand. We walked further in and it was getting really hard to stay on my feet.

I started panicking.

"Zane its okay! I got you." Travis smiled as he lifted me under water so my head didn't go down.

"T-Thanks." A blush spread onto my face.


Well. I can swim now, that's great to know.

I put my shirt back on when I was dry and we sat on the picnic blanket. He opened the basket and pulled out some pickles, spaghetti, cups, plates, and something that made him laugh. I brought juice boxes just for the fun of it.

"ITS JUST A PRANK BRO." I yelled in a joking manner.

"No no there fine. Its just funny how you knew I liked all of these three things. And its the right flavor too. How did you know?" Travis asked.

I blushed and gave him my phone. He guessed he password a long time ago on accident. 6666.

My back screen is him and twitter instantly popped up. I'm on his profiles. I'm looking at every DELETED message.

"Woah... How did you do this?" Travis asked.

"Pinky cake may have a problem keeping secrets but I don't. Muhahahaha!" I laughed. He rolled his eyes and gave me my phone back.

Send the Lilly pad with him!

Not yet. The sun is setting now. When its completely dark and the stars are out.

He held my hand Ame my heart sped up. We watched the sun setting and i rested my head of Travis's shoulder. I smiled and I picked up the lily pad.

He looked at me confused and I set the lily pad into the water. He grabbed the other end and we smiled at each other. Then pushed it towards the center. Then the moon shun bright.

Then my eyes turned white in front of him.

"Z-Zane?" Travis asked with worry as he looked me dead in the eye.

I started shaking and everything went black.

Third person view.

Zane's eyes turned white as he started shaking. His body floated into the air and Travis backed up slowly.

"Zane." Travis whispered knowing Zane was out. He started glowing a dark shade of gray and the moonlight swirled around him.

All els around the water shot fire in the center. The lily pad. Then the lily pad floated above Zane, in the way of the moonlight.

They fused.

Zane fell onto the ground, back to normal and Travis quickly ran to him.

"ZANE! GET UP PLEASE!" he screamed with fear.

Travis's POV.

He's just like me. He has some special magicks. True I'm a demon warlock but still! I helped activate his magic! And he probably knew what he was doing too.

Zane slowly woke up. I picked him up and hugged him tight as tears brimmed in the corner of my eyes.

I let go as he stood on his own he opened his eyes and they shun the most beautiful blue I've ever seen. Then something happened. Something I never expected....


Sorry but cliffhanger. Just for da fun. ;P

Im Not Inzane! A Zanvis. FFWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt