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It was quiet for awhile till I head a knock on the girls bathroom door. "Oren you in there?" Ichigo's soft voice came from outside the door. He sounded worried and concerned.

I wiped my cheeks and eyes, wiping away all the tears. I pushed off the counter and went to the door. I slowly opened it to see Ichigo standing there alone. He was frowning and worry was plain on his face. "Sorry I just needed to use the restroom."

Ichigo didn't say anything as I looked up at him. He shook his head and sighed. "You're a bad lair you know that?"

"Yeah. I did have to go though..." I look away as I exited the bathroom and we moved out of the way. I leaned against the wall away from the bathroom door and sighed. "Sorry for worrying you Ichigo."

"Don't be." Ichigo leaned back against the wall beside me with his hands in his trunks pockets. "So what happened?"

"It's nothing Ichigo. I just needed a moment to get away is all. Just new people and all makes me nervous." I half told the truth. Ichigo watched me. He sighed and put his hand on my head gently ruffling my hair.

"You don't want to talk about it. I get it. That's fine. Just tell me later okay?" I smiled and nodded. Ichigo gave me a small smile back before pushing him self off the wall. "Come on. The others will worry if we are gone too long."

I nodded as we began to slowly walk back. I enjoyed being alone with Ichigo but I didn't want this time to end. When we got back with his friends he would go off in his own with the special group. I would be with the normal humans, only difference is I truly know what's up.

"So why are you wearing that hoodie here?" Ichigo asked looking down at me. I shrugged frowning.

"I'm not one that shows a lot of skin usually, especially around people I don't know." I looked up at Ichigo and smiled softly. "Plus it helps cover me from unwanted looks. I don't think Keigo would leave me alone if I took it off." Ichigo's eye twitched when I said that and he sighed.

"I will keep him off of you. When we get back take it off or I'm throwing you into the water."

"You wouldn't." I glared at the taller male.

"I would."  I sighed and we got to the others. The special group gave us looks as I went to the normal group. I took my hoodie off and put it in my bag. I sighed and turned to Ichigo with a small blush dusting my cheeks. "Happy now?"

"Very." I huffed and plopped back on the towel. Ichigo laughed and sat next to me, which surprised me. I gave him a look which he returned. "What? I can sit with my friends over here too."

"Pfft whatever you special snowflake." I snickered as Ichigo flicked my head.

Keigo leaned closer to me with a smile.  "You know you look really cute in your bikini. You should of taken your jacket off sooner." I blushed and shook my head.

"I don't see how I look cute wearing an old bikini that I'm surprised still fits." I grumbled pulling my knees up to my chest.

"Don't make her uncomfortable again Keigo." Tatsuki sighed making Keigo whine again. I laughed at the two with a small smile.

The special group came over and merged with us. Uryu and Mizuiro started talking as Orihime and Chad were having a conversation of their own about. More like Orihime was going on excitedly about something and Chad was listening, adding in a grunt or nod occasionally. I looked to Ichigo the same time he looked to me. I gave a small smile which he returned. "You have some pretty cool friends."

"Yeah, they're the best." I nodded as we watched all his friends. Orihime started jumping with joy making her boobs bounce before she turned to us. "Let go swimming!"

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