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"... And now here we are. I've got all my powers back and then some." Ichigo finished telling me everything. From soul reapers to his friends to all his battles to his hollow to the arrancar to aizen to the fullbring people and everything in between that's happened to him in the last like two or three years.

I sat back in my seat whistling softly. That was a lot of shit to happen in such a short amount of time...

Ichigo was amazing.

Everything he did, how selfless he is, how he protects everyone.

Amazing didn't even describe Ichigo. But there was one thing I wanted to see. I wanted to see his hollow mask. I was about to ask when I heard my mom calling us to dinner. Guess that's a sign I shouldn't ask.

"Foods ready. Let's go Ichigo." I smiled and got up and headed down stairs with Ichigo following behind me. I helped mom take the food to the table and sat down across from her. Ichigo sat to my left.

We ate dinner and chatted. Nothing weird yet. Only thing that was weird was that it was so late that we were having dinner. It shouldn't of taken so long to cook every thing but mom did seem like she was hurting...

"Ichigo," my mom said with a smile, "do you have a girlfriend?" I choked on my drink as I looked at my mother.

"Mom that's not something you just ask someone you just met!"

"Well how else am I supposed to get to know him?" I've got nothing on that. I glared silently, mom smiled knowing she won as she looked at Ichigo.

"Uh, no. I haven't really dated before." Ichigo answered the question with a shrug completely fine with the questioning.

"Oh why is that?" She questioned.

"I had other things going on. I wasn't even thinking about getting a girlfriend or anything." I frowned knowing what he actually meant. He was fighting an unknown war against Aizen and didn't have time to waist on things like that. Especially since he could of died, which he kinda did once... Or twice... Then he went into a funk from loosing his powers...

"Understandable." Mom chewed a bite of food thinking what he said over. She glanced down at her watch and frowned. "I'm sorry I kept you so long tonight. Do you mind if I called your father? It would be nice to have a friend near by. For both of us."

"Sure. Go ahead." Ichigo pulled his phone out and messed with it a bit before handing it to my mom. I noticed the mischievous look on her face as she took her dishes to the sink with the phone.

"Oh dear, I do believe you made a mistake." I said quietly leaning towards Ichigo as I watched my mom use Ichigo's phone and walking into her office and closing the door.

"How?" He asked watching my mom as well.

"I told you she would be up to something. I just didn't know what. Plus your dad really seemed like he wanted you to come over as well." I stood up taking our empty plates to the sink. Ichigo followed me and leaned against the counter.

"What would she be up to?"

"Who knows. I'm betting since it's so late and Friday, she is going to get you to stay the night even though you don't even live two blocks away." I said as I cleaned up dinner.

"Why would she do that? I bet they are planning a play date type thing like you would for kids."

"Wanna bet?" I asked grinning. Ichigo smirked and shrugged. "Why not."

"500 yen she is gonna try to get you to stay the night."

"You're on." I laughed as I finished putting things up. I pulled my self up onto the counter and stood on my knees to reach the top self where I stashed a package of Oreos. I grabbed them and sat on the counter opening the cookies. I grabbed one and bit into it as Ichigo grabbed one as well.

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