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I woke up to soft shaking of my shoulder. I groaned softly not wanting to wake up. The shaking got a little harder as I felt someone's breath against my cheek.

"Oren. Wake up." Ichigo? What's he... Oh right. He staid the night. "Come on please wake up."

I sighed and opened my eyes to hardly see anything. Thank god I remember to take my contacts out. I hate sleeping with them in. Hurts my eyes. I sat up on my bed with the blankets pooling around my waist. I squinted as I looked as the blurry mess that was Ichigo. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. "Could you hand me the glasses on the nightstand? I'm not even going to try and find them." Couldn't see them anyways.

I heard Ichigo ruffling through some things before holding something out to me. I took my glasses and put them on yawning. "Thanks."

"No problem." Ichigo scratched his head. A blush warmed my cheeks as I looked over at him. He was standing there in my shorts that actually fit him perfectly and absolutely nothing else. I knew he was muscular but holy shit. He wasn't huge but he was no where near small either. His chest and abs were extremely defined and I just wanted to run my hands over his chest.... And down his abs... And oh fuck that V line of champs. His arms weren't huge and bulging but damn they were still muscular.

I forced my self to look away as my face burned. I held my hands tightly in my lap trying to refrain from molesting the gorgeous man in front of me.

"You okay? You're all red." Ichigo asked giving me a weird look.

"Y-yeah. Not used to being woken up by a half naked man is all." I coughed clearing my throat as I got up passing Ichigo who had pink cheeks. "I'm gonna use the restroom."

I sped walked into the bathroom and shut the door leaning on it. I let out a long sigh letting my blush die down for a moment. I pushed my self off the door and did my morning routine. I relieved my bladder, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair and pulled it into a sloppy bun on top of my head, then washed my face.

I was drying my face when a soft knock came to the door. I put the towel back before opening the door. "Just finished. Sorry it took a bit." Ichigo held a bag in his hand as he gave me a small smile.

"It's fine. Dad just got here. He and your mom are down stairs talking." I nodded and exited the bathroom as Ichigo and I switched places.

"I will be getting dressed in my room then." I smiled softly and turned leaving Ichigo in the bathroom. I heard the soft click of the door shutting as I entered my room. I picked out some bright neon blue skinny jeans out along with a tight black tank top that hugged my body. I changed my undergarments before getting dressed. I latched a chain around my right hip on my pants. I went ahead and popped my contacts in as well, putting my glasses away.

Opening a lollipop I put the candy in my mouth with a smile. I sat down at my desk and checked my emails. Most was junk or notifications for shit. One message in particular stood out. It's subject was "call me" and the message was interesting. All it said was "you me business now" and was sent to me by a good friend of the family.

I sighed and got my phone out as I exited my emails. I went to my favorites on my iPhone and called the contact "The Traveler". It rang twice before an excited voice spoke in English in my ear.

"Oren my love! It's been ages! How was the move? You like it there? Meet any cute guys?" The excited woman asked loudly in my ear. I cleared my throat and spoke in rough English as well.

"It has been okay and I like it. Nice town and all. And I don't go looking around for cute boys like you would." I sighed leaning back in my chair with a small smile. "I do miss you though."

Seer of Fate (completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن