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I'm finally doing this thing damn

(The picture won't upload because Wattpad is currently being a dickhead to all of us)

Dear self,
Hiya. You're a fuçk up a lot of the time, you know that though. But you need to stop being so damn critical of yourself. You have moments where you're absolutely great, as vain as that sounds. Try to enjoy the life around you more, cherish your carefree lifestyle. But also actually put more effort into things, instead of just watching Captain America The Winter Soldier again.

Dear mum,
I'm sorry I'm not the perfect daughter. I'm sorry I'm not going to be who you want me to be, but I'm trying my best to make something out of my life.

Dead dad,
Like the last one, I'm by no means the perfect daughter. But hey, I'm trying, and that's what counts, right?

Dear crush,
I'm sorry I like you, but can you blame me? You're honestly so fantastic and you mean so much to me even if you don't know it.

Dear school,
You're such a shit hole. You cause me so much stress and fuck up so many friendships. But thanks for teaching me, I guess.

Dear siblings,
I'm sorry I'm such a dickhead to you, it's what I'm like. You all actually mean a lot to me, and even if I rarely show it, I love you guys.

Dear past me,
I'm sorry you were such a fuck-up, I'm at least trying to make things better now.

Dear first love,
I can't wait to meet you.

Dear future me,
Please don't focus too much on the past. I hope you're doing great and that you enjoy what you do, because damn I'm trying to make sure now that you will.

Dear best friend,
You're an asshole. But so am I. I guess that's why we kinda work well together? I'm sorry for pissing you off all the time, and I'm sorry for my massively failing attempts at humour. But hey, you won't have to deal with me in a couple years time.

Dear future child,
I love you so very much. And I will completely support your life decisions. You mean the absolute world to me, and I'm sorry if I'm overbearing sometimes, I just want you to be happy, you know?

Dear person I hate,
I'm sorry I hate you. I don't want to hate you. Heck, you're probably not that much of a terrible person. I'd love to fix things between us, as unrealistic as that is.

Dear person I love,
You mean the world to me. And I'm not just saying that. I would whole heartedly give up everything if it would help you in any way. I love you.

Dear ex best friend,
Jeez. I miss you. Damn. I really miss you. I know you're better off without me, but I get attached, you know? What am I saying, of course you know. I know it was neither of our faults that our friendship ended, but I often find myself remembering it. I guess I just wish things were simpler, like when we were friends.

Dear the people who hate me,
You probably have every reason to. I'm sorry. But at the same time, I don't really want to fix these. They can't be fixed in a way.

This sounded like a massive apology damn. But hey, I guess it's what I really want to say to these people. Not that I will. Just kind of getting rid of thoughts in a way.

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