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Okay. So I'm going to talk about one of my crushes today. It's kind of very fanfictioney and sappy as hell. But I wanted to write this, because in all honesty, I don't think I'll ever tell her, but that won't change how much she means to me.

And I swear I'm not copying what Zara did a while back, I'm totally being original.


Honestly, she's adorable. She's incredibly intelligent. And she's so freaking kind it's unreal. She's that one person that you can always go to, the one you can always count on. And I wish I could make her happy all of the time. I wish that I could fix all of her problems and make everything okay for her.

I have no clue why she thinks she isn't pretty, that she isn't good enough. Her eyes are captivating. I've literally based parts of fan fictions on her eyes alone. She's also worth ten of most people, and I know I'm no where near good enough for her. She's about the closest thing to perfection that there is.

And don't even get me started on her voice. She insists that its terrible, but I could listen to her talking for hours on end, about nothing in particular, just to hear the sound of her voice.

People have said that we act like a married couple, the funny 'arguments' and the fact that we can talk in almost completely in-jokes. And yet, we haven't even known each other that long. But she's one of those people where it feels like you've known them your whole life.

I said before, that nothing would change how much she meant to me. And I meant that. She means so damn much to me, and honestly, I don't know what I'd do without her. She's that person that always keeps me up.

It took me a while to realise I liked her. That feeling when you feel so special, just because that one person messaged you. You might remember, in my old rant book, I had a part called *platonic*, that was about her, before I'd realised how much she truly meant to me. But even back then, she was pretty damn special to me.

It's likely that she'll see this to be honest, not knowing it's about her. Though, whenever I talk about her on here, she end up finding out. So, hello to you, even though you don't know who you are.

This is really rushed and really terrible but I felt like I wanted to write something.

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