Oh damn

121 8 11

So this isn't showing up in people's notif

Probably a blessing tbh

I feel like I should rant about today.

Feel free to disregard this chapter because it's mainly going to be me rambling with an array of unnecessary swear words thrown in there oh my

So I slept well last night but I was exhausted as fuck when I woke up (I s2g I'm just gonna put a swear counter at the end oh god)

Though when you're on the Internet this much, I think you guys know that going to school tired is like every day oh my

So first period was actually pretty good, I got my chemistry results back and I got the second highest result in the class oh shitballs wow I just realised I got second in the class fuck that

Break time was actually pretty entertaining, my friends bet eachother that they could guess the type of porn I watch #HannahDoesNotHaveAnArmFetish2k16

It was maths when everything started to go to shit tbh


And there's this popular guy who is kind of friends with my best friend ? In a weird way.

But this popular guy, I'm gonna call him ears, always asks my friend about being gay

I mean, I'm glad that he's accepting of it, and I think it's fine him finding out about it

But he always ends up saying people and asking my friend if he thinks they're gay or not

And there was a comment made about the fact that my friend was out was actually helpful to those who weren't out

So then ears started asking my friend who else in our year wasn't straight

And I panicked. I knew my friend wouldn't tell him, but I had like a shot of fear go through my head and my heart started beating faster and I started shaking and oh fuck.

I get nervous thinking about it now? Like, I know it's kinda stupid to get worked up over something like that but I know the shit my friend has had to go through and I don't know

Because I don't hide my sexuality. I just don't explicitly tell people? And it's not that I'm embarrassed or anything, I just don't want the populars knowing for quite a while fuck

So I was kind of on edge throughout the rest of that lesson and throughout lunch.

And then in PE I was just uncomfortable after what had happened in maths

And then I got put in a group with the first girl I'd ever had a crush on.

So that just made everything so much better

Though after the lesson I was waiting for the changing rooms to be unlocked and I saw my friend

And we both looked at eachother at the same time and said kill me so in sync oh wow

And then in my head I was thinking about how much I'd prefer to do PE with the guys oh my

But that's a tangent for another day

But all in all, today wasn't that shit it's just I felt like typing out all of this so that I could stop feeling so on edge oh fuck

But yeah.

Sorry for that.

Oh wow I only swore 7 times oh jeez

tales of a ho(e)mosexual; spamWhere stories live. Discover now