RW Chapter Fifteen

Start from the beginning

I also ask that when dealing with the Kira case, you continue to use the alias 'C' and don't meet up or contact anyone going by the name 'L'.

I'm sorry that I could never talk to you as your brother while I was still alive.

From your older brother,


I notice drops of water falling onto the paper and I gingerly touch a finger to my cheek to discover my face is wet. I brush the tears from my cheek and throw the letter to the side.

The tears continue to fall down my face and I hide my face behind my hands as I sob quietly.

"Benihime?" Ari asks and I block her voice out.


I stare out of the plane window as I watch Japan disappear in the distance.

It's taken me just under four and a half years to call the number my older brother gave me. I didn't know what to do. I stopped bringing criminals back to life, I just stopped doing everything.

Two weeks after I received the letter, my mother had burst into the apartment and forced me out of bed. She forced me to eat and have a shower. The whole time she watched me carefully and waited patiently until I told her what happened.

She had pulled me into a hug and told me everything would be okay. She stuck around for another month until she was certain I was fine and I had to promise her a thousand times I would look after myself.

I then went back to work, resurrecting every criminal I could and feeling guilty for those I couldn't.

I had completely forgotten about the letter, I just continued acting normal and forcing myself to live. I hadn't even thought about trying to bring down Kira. I had felt so useless. I couldn't do the one thing I needed to do, stop my family from being hurt. I ran away from my parents to keep them safe. I didn't even know who my brother was and he was closer than I thought. He was more important than I thought. If I knew L was my brother then I would have saved him. I could have written his name down in my notebook the minute Kira managed to kill him.

I couldn't save the person capable of bringing down Kira.

I'm useless without L.

To protect the last of my family, I completely broke contact with my parents.

"Mum, please don't worry about me. I'm leaving Japan, I can't say where. I won't be contacting you again until everything is settled. I can't risk losing you or dad. You're the only family I have left. If you don't hear from me in ten years please presume I'm dead and I lost. I'm sorry and I love you. Please pass the news onto dad and tell him I love him too."

The words I spoke echo around my head and I squeeze my eyes shut to stop the tears from falling. I'm 21, I shouldn't be crying in public. Even worse, most people think I'm 23. That's one thing that sucks about living your life being two years older than you are, you're forced to grow up a lot quicker than everyone else. It's the price I have to pay for safety I guess.

Several hours later, the plane lands at Heathrow Airport and I'm suddenly relieved to be about to get off the plane. I'm fairly certain I'm scared of heights. 


As promised, I find Roger standing there with a sign saying "Bethany", a fake name to keep my real identity hidden in case I'm being followed. Even if people don't know my real name, I am known by people who L suspected of being Kira so using Benihime, a name not common in England, would tip off any stalkers that are working for them. We can't be too careful anymore. Especially since Kira managed to kill my brother.

I will get revenge, Kira. You will regret killing my brother.

"Hello, Bethany. Did you have a good flight?" Roger asks when I reach him and I nod.

"It was alright. I'm tired though and I can't wait to sleep the jet lag off." I murmur as we leave the airport.

"We've been waiting for you to call, what took you so long? We were warned it might take a bit, but I wasn't expecting to wait five years." Roger asks when we're in the safety of the car. I look out of the window straight away and bite the inside of my cheek.

"I forgot. I was shocked to hear my brother died. You can't blame me, to be honest."

"Of course."

The rest of the car ride is quiet, and an hour later we arrive at a large house with large iron gates. Wammy's House. 

A/N: Please vote and comment!

I did research to find out what the nearest airport is to get to Wammy's, the closest one that I recognised was an hour away. I did look at the first closest but that doesn't go to Japan and Heathrow does XD plus I have a rough idea of what it's like at Heathrow since my dad worked at Gatwick which is pretty similar I think. Yay for Wammy's House being in England.

Fun fact: I've never left Europe and I've never flown anywhere, but I have been on a plane. I went to Gatwick with my dad to see what he did at work and I got to sit in the first class seats and the pilot's seat on a plane. It's weird to say I've been on a plane but I've never actually flown anywhere. I also got to type stuff into a computer which told planes where to go and I got to see them land too :D

Today's question: favourite country you've been to?

I love Italy and France - Italy because it's a beautiful country and the people there are really nice, France because I've been there so many times and there are some really nice places there. Plus their bread is the best XD

- Alice

E (future editing me: oh E)

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