"You wish, bud," she scoffed in return. She started walking faster, and flipped me off behind her back. As I started running towards her, I heard an old lady gasp.

"Sorry, miss," I apologized. "My, ah, friend here is on her period." The lady nodded in understanding as Mystery Girl turned around and dropped her mouth open. As I caught up to her I smirked yet again. "Oh shut your mouth, you're getting me excited." She shrieked, then started running down the street. She paused, and I thought she changing her mind. I mean, I am irresistible. But, Mystery Girl looked up and down the street, then proceeded to hail a cab. One pulled up, and she climbed in, pausing mid-way to smirk at me. Oh no, she's not winning that easy. As her hand reached out to close the door, I ran. I ran towards that cab, pulling open the backseat door and jumping in right as the driver started pulling away. He cursed at me, then gave me a look that told me he was thinking 'stupid crazy kid'. I smiled back at him, then innocently batted my eyes at the girl. She huffed, then turned around so she faced the window, jamming her ear-buds in. I heard strains of the song Stained Glass Eyes and Colorful Tears drifting from her ear-buds. I realized that Mystery Girl did not want to talk, and it was useless trying. I absently struck up a conversation with the driver, every once in a while smirking at the girl.

-Vic's POV- 

The. Little. Bitch.

I cannot believe Tom freakin' jumped into a moving car. What a mentally disturbed dude. Whatever, once we get to the amusement park I'll lose him. He'll probably start flirting with the first decently attractive girl he sees. My eyes lit up once we pulled into the parking lot of the park. I thanked the driver, handing him a 20. I exited the car, and started walking towards the entrance briskly, eager to get away from Tom.

"Now where, do you thing you're going, Mystery Girl?" I paused when I heard that dick's voice, but then continued walking. "I never knew you were one for amusement parks."

"Well," I called over my shoulder. "You barely even know me."

"I know lots about you, Mystery Girl," he said, trying to tease me. I am not going to fall for this.

"Sure you do. What's my name, Tommy Boy?" I retaliated, smirking at my new nickname for Tom.

Suddenly, he was right behind me. "Good question.... What is your name, Mystery Girl?" he said, his voice lower as he tried to seduce me. Notice the word "tried" as the key word there.

"Like I would tell you, Tommy Boy. But, I'll tell you. I'm guessing you're pretty desperate for human contact," I said. No way I was going to tell him my name.

"So what's your name then, Mystery Girl?" he asked in his 'seductive' voice, trailing his fingers up and down my exposed arm. I shuddered at the contact.

"V-Vic.." I said quietly, before I could stop myself. I immediately smacked myself on the forehead, then slapped Tom too, for good measure. He looked dazed, but couldn't help but smiling triumphantly. 

"Vic is such a short name. I think I'll call you, ah, Vicky," he said happily as I fumed. I didn't bother responding, I just stomped through the park entrance, pulling out my phone as I went.


recording done for the day :D bored now. got any plans you wouldn't mind letting your boyfriend tag along on ;)

I quickly responded.


bored too. at the amusement park with some dick who keeps hitting on me, come rescue me? ;)

He responded almost immediately.


give me an address, and we'll see if this guy can even talk to you after i'm done. 


my hero <3


call me your Sparkly Captain ;)


I feel sosososososooooo bad. I'm soooo sorry. This chapter took too long. I got some horrible case of writers block, and I couldn't get any ideas. Then, as I was on my way to work, I got the idea to use Tom's POV (right around there is where I got stuck). Then I never really wrote >.< I'm sorry sorry sorry.

Oh, and how do you guys like the idea of the different POV's? I personally really like them, but if you guys hate them I'll stop. I think they just give and interesting view on the story.

As an apology, I might make another chapter. "Might" being the key word there xD.

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