I continue to run through the trail until I can't hear anymore men behind me. I then jump in the cold river letting the current take me down and rid of my smell because I knew they were going to let the dogs track me.

I climb out the water and shiver. I groan and lean on one of the trees. I sniff and wipe my face. I couldn't believe Jamie betrayed me. I breathe in as much air as possible and continue running.

I begin to stumble and I fall too my knees. I then look at the figure above me and try to stumble back. I fight with all my might but the person grab my hands before tripping me to the ground.

I viciously bite but something is stab into my thigh and my eyes roll to the back of my head.


I wake up and turn over throwing up in the bucket that is place right next to the cot I'm sleeping in. I wipe my mouth disgusted in myself and turn over groaning. My stomach was not settling.

I look up when the door is pulled open and try to move but it was useless because of how weak my body was. I shut my eyes quickly pretending to have been fell back asleep.

The person walks into the room and place something down on the table before walking back out and closing the door. I open my eyes and take the cup of water greedily swishing it in my mouth before spitting it back in the can.

I then arch my eyebrow at the strip of gum. Who leaves gum for their prisoner. I take the gum and chew on it the minty flavor making me feel better. I lay back and shut my eyes and patiently wait until my strength comes back.


I shoot my eyes open and try sitting up and I'm grateful that the dizziness is gone. I stand and breathe before heading to the door. I open it quietly and sneak down the long hall. I swallow when I hear voices. I turn away and head the other way. I wasn't strong enough to fight just yet.

I round the corner and try to sneak out but someone notice me. I growl and strike before I even get a glance at their face. The person take a step back and I use my anger to my advantage. How dare they try to capture me.

I kick the person in the chest which makes them fall and hit the ground hard. I see something flash and I quickly dive behind the a wall. I then hear other footsteps and I growl in frustration. I was to weak to handle one how could I handle….I listen intently. Four? Maybe five?

I head down another hall and luck is in my favor when I noticed a door. I rush through it the bright sun shining down on me brightly. I notice my surroundings quickly. I gulp. There was only destruction and all the buildings were destroyed. Everything begins to vibrate violently and I look up nothing a chopper heading my way.

Someone snatches me back into the dark hole.

“Are you crazy!” They growl.

I push them away and stand. “Stay away from me.” I touch my head the dizziness returning. The person takes a tentative step forward. “I'm not the enemy.” They say.

I frown stepping away. I couldn't trust anyone. I begin to panic maybe I should have stayed with Zillah. I squeeze my fist and swing hitting the person in the face. They groan holding their face and I try to run but they catch my ankle tripping me to the ground. We wrestle and they end of topping me but I don't give up. I can't.

“Astra.” I freeze. I knew that voice. I stop struggling and lay there. The person let me up and lights are snapped on and my eyes widen at my mother on the other side of the wall.

“Pluto?” I ask.

She nods and smile. I rush into her arms and she squeezes me before giving me a kiss on the cheek. The other person...a woman. Continues to frown and hold her nose. “You could have appeared earlier.” Her shirt began to soak with blood as she try to stop it. I gulp guilty….just a little.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2016 ⏰

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