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Ameli's pov

I woke up to Estelle calling me to wake up.

"Ami get your lazy ass up already!"

I rolled over and covered my head with a pillow.

"Mmm I don't wanna I'm still too tired"

"I guess I'll just eat the pancakes by myself" I jumped up when I heard her talk about pancakes and ran to the kitchen like a little kid.

I took a seat at the table and laughed at myself, I'm the older twin even if I don't always act like it.

"Gimme the pancakes woman!"

"Did you brush your teeth?" She asked without turning around.

"Yeah of course I did" I lied obviously. I'm trying to get pancakes here.


"I am not!" I tried defending myself even though I knew she was right.

"Really then let me check" I backed up to the chair but then relaxed because she was going to figure it out anyways. I breathed in her face and began to laugh while she cringed and scrunched up her face.

"Ew you're so nasty, now your morning breath is all in my nostrils" I think I laughed more at her face then her response.

After brushing my teeth and eating I sat down on the couch. I was skipping channels looking for something good to watch when I heard the doorbell. I got up and stretched while walking over to the door. I opened it and saw two guys standing there. They seemed nice so I smiled and one of them blushed and looked down he seemed to be younger than the other guy.

"Hi can I help you guys with anything?"

"Oh no we just decided it would be good to introduce ourselves. I'm Jin and this is Jungkook but most people call him Kookie"

"Oh well then, hi Jin and Kookie"

"I was gonna say hi yesterday but I was thinking you guys were probably tired. I met your sister earlier today while getting the mail and invited you and her over for a welcoming party but I wanted to also invite you personally"

"Wow that would be really great I don't know a lot of people and you guys seem like you could be great friends to hang with"

"Thanks well you guys can come over tomorrow at 5 for the party"
"Sounds great"

“Wow you speak Korean really well for a foreigner"

“Thanks I practiced it a lot so I wouldn't be confused traveling here" I laughed and waved bye to both of them and closed the door.

I decided me and Elle should start to check out the store make sure it's good so we can start to organize where everything will be and actually start to bring in our stuff. I slipped out of my cute egg pajamas and looked for what to wear. I was thinking of wearing yellow since it was my favorite color. After doing my makeup I put my dark brown hair into two cute buns and slipped on my white converse high tops.

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Accidental Encounters - Kim Namjoon - BTS ffWhere stories live. Discover now