what an intresting day...

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Kats pov:
It’s been a couple of months now and thankful nothing has happened after that incident in starbucks. School was the worst. As soon as we went back to school people would not shut up about what happened.

Thankfully no one knows that it was me they wanted and who the shooters were. I was surprised when I found this out. Like how can they not know that it was so simple to find out but I guess to them it wasn’t.  Me and Jason haven’t really been talking that much since that day at his house. Were both just like hi and bye. He doesn’t bother talking to me so why should I bother to talk to him. It’s as simple as that. Even tough I wish he did talk to me I mean as in since then we haven’t heard of Kyle either and I now that isn’t a good sign. Because as much as I try to believe
it’s over I know it isn’t. I know he’ll be coming back for me sooner or later.

Since I came back to school I also signed up for kick boxing and karate. As lame as it sounds I want to learn because 1. Because I can try and protect myself the next time he comes for me and 2. Because Jason kept saying no when I asked him to teach me. No one really knows I take these classes because there outside of school. And I’m thankful for that because if people found out it would be really annoying. My school is all of gossip. You do something and everyone finds out then you’re in trouble. It’s happened to me before but I don’t want to talk about that.
So it was Sunday and sadly we have school tomorrow but I really don’t want to go.  It was only 7pm and I don’t even know what to do. See these are my weekends. There always boring and I’m always in my room. I switched my laptop on and just went on YouTube and just watched things on there. After a little while I checked the time and it was already 9pm. Wow time goes fast when you’re watching random things on YouTube. Well I guess I might as well have an early night.
I woke up to my alarm clock annoying the crap out of me. I quickly shut it off and swung my legs from the bed and headed to the bathroom to have a quick shower.

I got out my shower and put on this. After I finished up my hair I went down and grabbed an apple to eat. I left the house and then started to walk to school.

**skip school**

After an boring old day at school I went home and got changed into this and was on my way to karate.

One I got there I quickly got changed into this (brown belt instead of turqoise) and went into the room where we would be training.  I was quite good at karate. After 5 months of training I was already on my brown belt.

I did some training and sooner or later my lesson was finished.

I went back to the lockers and changed back into my clothes and headed home.
**skip ride home**
Once I got home I went upstairs, stripped my clothes off and jumped into the shower.

Once I finished that I got changed into this and went downstairs. I went into the kitchen and grabbed some chips and a soda and went into the living room. I sat down and turned the TV on and flicked through the channels until I found something good to watch. To be honest I wasn’t even watching TV I was too busy thinking about these past few months. I mean nothing’s happened to me which is good but bad because they and be planning something and it’s quite awkward not talking to Jason. I mean we start talking and then suddenly we stop talking. It just doesn’t make sense.

Suddenly I hear a crash in the kitchen which pulls me out my taught. I hesitate to weather go and check what it was but it may be some killer or something.

Oh come on Kat you’ve been doing karate and kickboxing for months now at least use them moves for something

Ok maybe I should but what if it doesn’t work and I die?!

Well its worth a shot isn’t it?

True. Well here goes nothing.

I slowly start to walk towards the kitchen. The more I get closer the more I can hear someone in the kitchen doing something. I slowly get closer and try to hear what they’re doing. It sounds like there looking for something. What the hell would they be looking for in the kitchen? I doubt its food. See this is why I hate being home alone at times. Thanks allot mum! Once I’m about to go into the kitchen I slowly peak around to see who was there. There back was towards me so they couldn’t see me.

Well here goes nothing.

“AAARRGGHHH” I scream while running to the stranger.

Before they could turn around I jump on their back. The person turns around and back up t the draw while I was on their back. He tries to make my back come in contact with the cupboards but I quickly do a flip over his head and without looking a swing my leg so it hits his face like this. Then I start to throw punches at him. Then before I know it I’m pinned down on the floor. But that wasn’t the worst bit. The worst bit was that the whole time I was beating the crap out of Jason!

“Oh um hi” I say awkwardly.

“You and me and a little talking to do missy” he says obviously anger showing in his voice.

He gets off of me and stands up. He holds his and out for me which I take. I look at him and see he has a busted lip and a bruise forming on his
eye and blood trickling down his nose. Like seriously after one kick and a couple of punches I’ve already done that much damage to his face. I try to hold back the laugh but it doesn’t work because as soon as he looks at me funny I burst out laughing.

“I swear if allot of damage is done to my face you in for it!” he says sternly which holding my wrist tight.

Fuck that hurts. I try to get my arm free but it doesn’t work. Seriously doesn’t he remember about my arm?

“Um Jason my arm! I don’t want my cuts to re fucking open!” I shout at him.

He face suddenly softens and he lets go of my arm.

“Shit I’m sorry Kat I forgot. I’m really sorry”

“Meh don’t worry about it as long as I’m not bleeding your fine” I tell him

I pull my sleeve up and there no blood which I’m thankful for.

“Yup your fine” I re assure him.

I look at his face and then suddenly feel bad for what I did. I grab his arm and drag him upstairs to clean up his face.
Once I get to my bathroom I make him sit on the counter and go get the first aid kit from the draw.
Jason’s pov:

I sat on the counter waiting for her to come back with whatever she went to get. Seriously I was really surprised when she beat me up. Well not really beat me up but yeah. I wonder where she learned that from. At first I taught it was someone else but when i pinned her down I was like what the actual fuck! I went over to the mirror to look at the damage but I was actually surprised and angry when i saw my face. It fucking looked like it got re arranged!

“What the fuck Kat!!!” I yell at her

She looks at me with an apologetic smile but hell no I’m not letting her get away with what she did.

“Have you seen my fucking face? !I can’t believe you!” I shout at her

“Look I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was you otherwise I would have done that.”

“I don’t give a shit. My fucking face looks fucked up!”

“Look I said I’m sorry and it was your fault anyway who the hell told you to come through the kitchen there’s a front door where you can knock”

“Well I taught you were sleeping and you being lazy wouldn’t answer the door”

It went silent for a few minutes until she spoke again.

“Well it would have been better that getting punched” she mumbled


“Ok look I said I’m sorry now sit back down so I can fix up you face” she says

I walk back and sit down on the counter.

“You’re still not forgiven” I tell her

But obviously I forgave her

“Yeah yeah whatever just hush so I can fix your face”
Kats pov:
After cleaning up all the blood on his face I applied some cream on his eye and fixed up his lip as much as I could.

“There” I say picking up all the blooded tissues and tings.


“No problem just consider it as a sorry for earlier” I say

He smiles while walking out the bathroom into my room. He sits down on the bed and takes his phone out doing something. After cleaning up in the bathroom I join him in my room.

“So why you here?”

“Well... um you see... I came to uh apologize.”

“Apologize about what?” I asked confused.

“For um... ignoring you. Well not exactly ignoring but more like not really talking to you much’ he sys

“Oh... well its ok”

“No it isn’t because I did wrong and I’m sorry”

“Seriously Jason its ok I get it. You have things to do so don’t worry about it” I say truthfully

“So tell me where the hell did you learn all that?”

“All what?” I asked confused

“All the kicking and punching?” he asks his eyebrows raised

“Ah... well since you said you wouldn’t teach me I taught I might as well try somewhere else so I started doing kickboxing and karate”

“And when did you start this?”

“The first day we went back to school”

“Oh” is all he says

“Well I’m prepared to teach you”

“Really?!” I asked surprised

“Yeah. And that’s only because I know they’re going to be coming after you and well as much as ill protect you I won’t always be around to help”

“Omg omg omg thank you” I scream hugging him

“It’s ok” he says chuckling

“So when do you want to start?” he asks

“Umm how about tomorrow after my karate lesson?”

“There’s no point in doing karate and trying to train with us. It’s going to be tiring plus hard”

“Hmm true that... I’ll quit it then”

“Ok well ill pick you up in the morning because it’s late now and I need to go”

“Oh ok” I say feeling sad

“Don’t worry ill come and pick you up for school tomorrow ok?”


"if anything happens.. well you got my number"

"yeah dont worry i can take care of myself"

"yeah but still"

"ok ok i will call you if something happens"

“ok Bye bye beautiful”

“Bye” I say while feeling my cheeks getting hotter.

He kisses my forehead and leaves. After he shuts the door i can still feel the tingling where he kissed me.
I quickly change in to this and jump into bed.

well what and interesting day I had today. I wonder what tomorrow will bring me...

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