first day of school

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I woke up with the alarm clock beeping like it’s a never ending beeping alarm clock. Well it kind of is but yeah. I sat up on my bed and turned the alarm off. I really wasn’t bothered to go into school today but since it is my first day there I know I have to. If only I could take the day off. I got out of bed and lazily walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I stripped off my clothes and jumped into the shower.
Sooner or later I got out the shower and looked at the time. It was 6:30 and I needed to get out the house by 7.
“Oh crap! I can’t be late on my first day” I taught
I quickly got changed into this and didn’t bother putting any makeup on since i was too lazy and because I would have been late.
I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs.
“Hey sweaty do you want-“
“Sorry mum I cant I’m going to be late” I said cutting her off
I gave her a quick kiss and ran out the door. I started to walk but didn’t really know where i was going. I stood outside my house not really knowing which way to go since I was new here. Soon my mum came out with her car keys in her hand.
“Hmm how did you think you were going to get to school today? I’m sure I told you I would give you a ride to school so you knew where you was going” my mum said
Crap I forgot my mum was going to drop me off.
“Sorry mum I forgot”
“It’s okay honey. Come on before you get late”
(Skipping car ride)
“Thanks mom”
“No problem honey. You do know your way back right?”
“Yeah don’t worry I remember now”
“Sorry I can’t pick you up after school I really need to go into work today”
“Mum don’t worry I’ll be fine”
I gave her a kiss and quickly got out.
I started walking up to the school doors and could feel most eyes on me. I looked around and gave some people a smile since I didn’t want to be hated on my first day there. Some returned the smile and some just looked away.
I walked around a couple of minutes looking for the reception room, place, thingy. Finally I found the room. I stood outside the door and fixed my shirt and hair to look presentable even tough I felt too lazy to do anything today.
“Hi” I say
“Hello there darling what can I do for you?” the lady behind the desk said sweetly.
“Urm I new here”
“Oh right. What’s your name dear?”
“Kathryn Taylor”
She printed out some papers and filled something in before handing it to me
“Right well there’s a map of the school if you get lost, your combination for you locker is there too and there’s a time table for where your classes are. I’m sorry we couldn’t get you someone to show you around.” She says sweetly
“Oh its ok don’t worry about it” I say giving her a smile
I look at the time and my phone and see I’ve got 10 minutes until I go to homeroom.
Luckily my locker was on the second floor so I didn’t have to walk that far. On my way there I could already spot the jocks and the sluts. I quickly came to my locker and entered the combination in. I put my books and everything in and look at the time on my phone again. I had 5 minutes until I have to go to homeroom but I really didn’t want to go. Since I had nothing to do or go anywhere I just went to homeroom.
I walked in and saw a couple of people here just sitting and doing their own thing. I went and sat at the back in the corner where no one could really spot me. I put my earphones in and just listened to demi lavato.
A little while later boys and girls started to pour into the room. I just put my head down and carried on listening to my music until someone tapped me on my shoulder. I took one ear phone out and looked at who it was.
“You in my seat” said a girl
“Urmm sorry”
“Don’t worry about it. Might as well sit there since it looks like your enjoying your seat”
“You sure?” I asked
“yeah don’t worry about it. Oh by the way my names Hannah”
“Im Kat”
“Is that really your name?”
“Na my real name is Kathryn but I prefer people calling me Kat”
“Oh ok”
I smiled at her as she returned it.
“Can I see your time table?” Hannah asked
“Urmm sure” I said handing it to her
She had a look through it and gave me it back
“Well looks like you’ll be stuck with me for most of the day”
“Huh?” I say confused.
“You have nearly every lesson with me except your last lesson and your third one.”
“Yup. You want to hang with me today and I’ll show you around and everything?”
“Urm yeah ok”
The teacher walked in and sat down and said nothing to no one.
“That’s Miss Karen. The old miserable teacher who don’t do anything but sit there and tell people off if there being stupid”
“Wow what a nice teacher we have” I say sarcastically
me and Hannah both let out a little laugh and that’s when I knew me and her would be great friends.
(Skip to lunch)
The first 3 lessons were ok. All I did was introduced myself and then just sleep. I met a couple of other people and talked to them but mostly I just kept to myself. I was now sitting with Hannah and some of her friends as they just talked and I played temple run 2 on my phone. I just love that game. I can never get enough of it.
“Kat! Earth to Kat!”
“Huh what? Sorry I was too into this game”
“Yeah we could tell. We were wondering if you wanted to come out to the movies with us tonight?”
“Na sorry I’m busy.”
I wasn’t really busy I just don’t really like going out. I’m the kind of person to only go out for a walk or something in the night. Otherwise I just stay at home in my room or playing video games.
“What you busy with?”
“Oh you know the usual old home stuff. Need to unpack the rest of my boxes”
Now that wasn’t a lie. I really needed to unpack all my stuff but I know I won’t because I’m too lazy.
“Well there goes the bell” says Hannah
“Come on ill show your our next class and ill drop you off to you last lesson too”
We walked to our class and I did the same as all the other teachers made me do. I quickly and briefly introduced myself and the teacher then told me to go sit at the back. Thankfully i didn’t have someone sitting next to me.
That soon changed.
“Sorry I’m late”
“As always Jason”
“I said I’m sorry!”
“Ok ok go sit down. He walked to the back and came and sat next to me. He looked at me as i just smiled at him. All he did was kiss his teeth at me
How bloody rude.
I sat there quietly and looked up to see a note on my table. I looked next to me and all he did was shrug his shoulder and go back to his texting.
Having fun there are we? ;) Hannah
Kat: no not really this lesson is boring
Hannah: you should be happy that your are sitting next to the HOTTEST guy in school
Kat: meh he’s cute and everything but I don’t like him
Hannah: wow how can you not like him?????!!!!!
Kat: he kissed his teeth at me and looks rude
Hannah; well don’t judge a book by its cover honey
Before I could reply the bell rang and we all got up and started to leave. I waited until the crowd in the room died down and then left.
Hannah showed me to my last class and wouldn’t stop going on about Jason. Well I guess he was quite cute and good looking but you can tell he’s a player.
I did the usual and introduced myself and thankfully I got to sit at the back again. I’ve always loved sitting at the back because you can sleep, text, doodle and do anything and the teacher wouldn’t even realize. Couple of minutes later Jason and another girl both walked in. They both looked scruffy like they’ve been up to something which was obvious. The teacher gave them both a suspicious look and they quickly sat in there seat. Jason came to back and sat down next to me.
Why does he have to be seated next to me? He looked at me and then took his phone out and started texting.
For the whole lesson all I did was sit there doodling in my book and being lazy. I wasn’t really bothered for school even though it was my first day. Finally the bell rang and everyone was out there class. I quickly got up and got my stuff and left the school. I said bye to Hannah and the other friends I made and started walking home. I plugged my earphones in putting my music on shuffle and putting the volume full blast.
I was standing by the traffic lights waiting for them to go red. It was taking so long. Soon I heard my phone buzz and saw it was Hannah. I read her text and when I taught the light went red I started crossing
But then...

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