What the?

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The next day I walked into the sitting area. I walked up to the bar and took a seat as Prospect handed me a drink. Happy walked over and sat next to me.

"Let's talk about last night" Happy said sitting next to me.

"My shirt is stained with her blood. I don't know what the fuck is going on" I tell him.

"Something is because we just killed the wrong girl" Happy says annoyed. Clay walks over to us.

"I need a word" Clay said. We walked into church where Stan, Chalky and Jojo already were seated. We walked in and I shut the door behind us then took my seat.

"What's up?" I ask knowing it'll be something to do with Skip.

"I just got off the phone with Leroy. He found a girl stabbed. He got her to the hospital before she died. He gave me a description of her, red hair, small, covered in Sons Of Anarchy  tattoos" Clay says.

"He get a name?" Happy asked.

"Skip" Clay replied.

"That's impossible" I tell him.

"What's gonna happen is Happy and Chibs go to the hospital and visit her. See if she's the real deal. You guys keep an eye on whoever that is out there" Clay instructs.

"What hospital?" Happy asks.

"Oakland Hill" Clay says then slams the gavel we all walk out. Happy and I get on our bikes and head to the hospital. We walk up to the front desk and get a look of disgust from the receptionist.

"Can I help you?" She asks with attitude.

"We're looking for someone with the name Skip" I tell her and she glares then types on her computer.

"5th floor, West Wing, room number 313" She tells us with a fake smile then we walk away.

"Fucking bitch" Happy curses. We get to the room and Leroy is sitting beside the bed of the girl I stabbed. He has 3 of his men with him. We walk in and all eyes immediately look at us.

"You can fuck off" The woman I stabbed glared at me.

"We need to talk" I say.

"We'll leave you to it. Try anything and you'll regret it" Leroy threatens.

"I highly doubt that" Happy glares at Leroy. Him and his guys leave and Happy and I stand in front of the bed. Happy picks up the chart and reads it.

"So you say you're 'Skip'?" I ask.

"We fucking grew up together Chibs. How do you not know it's me?!" She asks pissed.

"For a start your not the only one claiming to be Skip" I answer.

"Prove you're Skip" Happy demands.

"How?" She as with gritted teeth.

"My first love?" I ask.

"Lana Storm, 2nd year of high school. I used to call her Lana banana and I would beat up anyone else that did" She answers.

"Why did you leave Scotland?" Happy asks.

"I was tired of everything and everyone. I wanted a new start, away from that shithole"

"First time we met?" I ask.

"It was in a playground in primary. We were both in primary 2 and I was getting bullied. You punched the bully in the face and we became best friends after it"

"What was my dog called?" I ask.

"Charlie, he's a mix between a Labrador and a staff cross. You cried leaving him"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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