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*Chibs P.O.V*

"You sure about this?" Clay asks.

"Positive" I tell him. I'm currently sat around the table with Clay, Happy, Chalky, Jojo and Stan.

"How do you know it's the truth?" Clay asks.

"It's obvious" Jojo states.

"And if you're wrong?" Clay asks.

"We'll take full responsibility and any punishment" I tell him.

"We're right though" Stan says.

"You got any real proof?" Clay asks.

"No, but I'm sure we'll get some" Chalky says.

"It can't be that hard" Happy shrugs.

"I ain't heard anything like this" Clay sighs. "It's just... hard to believe"

"We know but you gotta trust us" I try.

"What if you're wrong, that's bad for the club especially this charter" Clay says.

"We're not wrong though" I say.

"You get me real proof and I'll let you go through with this. Until then as much as I would like to I can't" Clay says.

"Okay we'll find something" Happy says then stands up.

"Thanks Clay" I say then we all walk out.

"What was that all about?" Half-Sack asks.

"Non of your business" Happy growls.

"Sorry" Half-Sack apologies and hands us beer.

"I gotta talk to you" Happy pats my shoulder and walks away. I follow him to the spare dorm room Skip is staying in.

"What are we doing here?" I ask. Happy checks to see if the door is locked, it is.

"Finding proof" Happy states then pulls out a lock pick from the inside pocket of his cut. He begins picking the lock.

"Do you always carry that around?" I ask chuckling.

"You never know when it can be useful. Can't always break doors" Happy tells me.

"What if she comes back?" I ask.

"I got Opie keeping her busy. He didn't question it"

"We best hurry anyway"

"Almost got it" I hear a click. Happy removes the lock pick and opens the door.

"I need to get one of those" I say and Happy smirks. We walk in and close the door.

"Don't make a mess. The room has to stay the way it is" Happy tells me and I nod. We begin rummaging through her things. I check her bed but there's nothing there except a KG-9 under her pillow. I take the bullets out and stuff them in my pocket.

I check under her bed and find a briefcase. I open it up to find a stack of files, all about us.

"I've got something" I tell Happy who shoots over.

"What the hell?!" Happy exclaimes. I take the file about myself and begin reading. Happy does the same with his. It's basically my life story.

"I can't believe it" I say shocked.

"Me neither. It says I'm a fucking psychopathic serial killer!" Happy says furious.

"It's kinda right" I shrug and Happy glares at me. "Kidding... kinda" I smirk annoying him.

"What's it say about you?" Happy asks.

"I'm an amazing guy that the club would be lost without" I joke.

"Very funny. Let's see" Happy takes my file and begins reading. "The Scottish man of SAMCRO and their True IRA connection. Not afraid to get his hands dirty, Skips childhood best friend" Happy and I share a look of confusion but he continues reading. "Ex IRA. Jimmy Ophelan excommunicated him scared his cheeks giving him a Glasgow smile and the nickname Chibs"

"Why would she have this shit? She knows we grew up best friends she doesn't need a reminder" I sigh.

"Let's read through more and I ain't a fucking psychopathic serial killer" Happy huffs.

"Certainly ain't a sane one. It doesn't make sense though all that shit about Jimmy O she was there for, why would she need to keep it in a file?" I ask.

"Maybe she's gathering information about us. Spying on us and keeping a file about it" Happy shrugs.

"Maybe we should spy on her, see who she's reporting back to" I suggest.

"Yeah, tomorrow where ever she goes we follow silently. If she's really turned her back on us we're gonna find out everything" Happy says.


"You know what's gonna happen if we're right don't you" Happy says with a lump in his throat.

"Aye, but it's either her or the club and she could bring the club down" I say.

"Looks to me like she's already started. I'm sorry Chibs she always talked about you. She really loves you"

"I love her too that's why it's gonna be hard if we're right. I want to be the one pulling the trigger if we are. One last goodbye" I say almost struggling to get the words out.

"I'll be there with you one hundred percent" Happy bro hugs me. Voices enter the clubhouse, one of them is Skips.

"Shite we gotta put these away. FAST" Happy and I  put the files back the way they were. I quickly shut the briefcase and shove it under the bed. Footsteps approach the door and keys jingle.

"Closet" Happy whisper yells. We hide in the closet as the door opens. I open the closet door slightly to see Skip. She walks towards us. SHIT!

A/N Hey guys hope you like this chapter sorry I haven't updated in a while. I know there's a lot of unanswered stuff so far like who the person is in the last chapter and more but they'll be answered as the story goes on. I have two other SOA Fanfics, One is 'I Walk A Lonely Road' Which is a Juice Fanfic and complete. The other is 'Bulletproof Heart' That is Ongoing and a Chibs Fanfic. It would mean a lot if you checked them out and tell me what you think.

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