Starting in Charming

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I fled Belfast with the NOMAD Charter heading to Charming. I don't know what I was thinking turning NOMAD, well that's not true all I was thinking about was seeing him again. Him being Filip Telford or Chibs as he gets called now.

He was my best friend growing up, we fled Glasgow together and joind the Sons Of Anarchy together. I hope he's happy to see me. It's been years and we haven't been in contact with eachother. I rolled up to the Charming clubhouse with the rest of the boys. They use a garage as their front.

"You Okay?" Happy asked me as I got off my bike.

"Yeah. It's weird here" I stated and Happy looked at me funny.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, I guess it's because I've never been here before" I shrugged.

"Trust me you'll learn to like it the longer you're here" Happy smirked. I smiled and he threw his arm across my shoulders. We began walking to the clubhouse getting some looks from the mechanics.

Happy was like my protector, he would never let anyone or anything hurt me and if they did Happy raised hell. We walked into the clubhouse and was met by the president of this charter and other members.

"Hey" The president welcomed with a smile and hugging Happy.

"Hey Clay" Happy said hugging him back. When they broke the hug Happy hugged the others and Clay started hugging the other NOMADS Chalky, Stan the man and JoJo. When he got to me he just looked at me.

"So you're the girl I'm always hearing about" Clay stated.

"I guess" I said looking at him.

"Skip isn't it?"

"Yeah and you're Clay"

"How'd you know that?"

"I heard Hap say it" I smirked and Clay chuckled.

"Glad to finally meet you, I've heard so much about you. I feel like I know you already" Clay hugged me. I hugged him back and looked at the boys, they all had the same look as if something was out of place. We broke the hug and I walked over to Happy.

"What was that look about?" I asked Happy whispering in his ear.

"Get to know him and you'll find out" Happy smirked.

"You want to introduce us?" A guy with a mohawk and tribal tattoos on eachside of his head asked.

'He's cute' I thought.

"This is Skip, she's a new NOMAD" Hap said.

"I'm Juice" The cute Mohawk guy said shaking my hand smiling. I smiled back.

"Bobby Elvis" A guy with shoulder-lenth grey hair said shaking my hand. Everyone introduced themselves. There was Jax, Opie and Piney. I was dissapointed Chibs wasn't here.

"Where's the rest?" Chalky asked.

"Dealing with some Mayan shit" Clay said from behind the bar.

"They won't be long" Jax answered. I sat on a bar stool next to Happy. Clay handed me an open beer and I took a swig. Bobby sat next to me on the my left side.

"How about me and you have some fun?" Bobby asked placing his hand on my thigh. I looked at Happy and he glared at Bobby.

"Or how about I have some fun ripping your guts out if you don't leave her alone?" Happy threatened putting his arm around my shoulders making Bobby throw his hands up in defence.

"Sorry, you never said she was your old lady" Bobby said.

"That's because she ain't" Happy stated and I smirked. I took another swig of my beer.

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