Ch.8 Loki-Pranks

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You have admit I did a great job finding this gif... Carry on now.

"Boo!"Loki shouts materializing form behind a bookcase making you spill your tea on yourself.

"What the hell was that for?" You say looking down at your shirt. "Ha! You have been Loki'd Y/N!" He shouts grinning at you.
"Y/N, you do comprehend that I am the god of mischief correct?" He says laughing

"Yes I know that Loki." You say walking to the bathroom to wash your shirt. As you rub soap on your shirt it starts to turn green.

"Loki'd again!" He snickers popping his head thru the door grinning like a devilish elf.

"I hate you. You owe me a new shirt. Actually never mind you probably put a spell on it." You say.

"Are you sure? I bought this so you would have something to wear after I played practical jokes upon you." He says innocently offering you a folded tee shirt.

"Thank you." You say closing the door. When you put the shirt on it grows in length and a helmet appears on your head. "LOKI I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" You scream opening the door.

"I'm just doing my job M'lady." he says bowing with a smirk. He walks past you stopping to whisper "You've been Loki'd once again." making you go red.

"You've been Loki'd too." Natasha says gesturing to your outfit. She wears the same thing.
"Yup." You say "I'm guessing the rest of you have been Loki'd as well." You say looking at Steve and Tony who's hair seems to have grown and been slicked back. 

"No matter what I do to it. It always grows back like this." Steve said taking scissors and hacking at his hair. Only to see his hair grow "See! I've shaving it off completely bleached it, hacked at it."

Later that day you go to the kitchen and see a plate of donuts. "Ooh donuts you say reaching for a doughnut." Before stopping. Random donuts sitting around...

"Loki." You hiss. He looks up form the couch and waves holding up a doughnut. Powdered sugar all over his face.

"i guess they are safe if he's eating one." You say picking up a Boston cream doughnut. You bite into the doughnut only to spit it out. 

"HA YOU'VE BEEN LOKI'D ONCE AGAIN Y/N!!" He shouts jumping over the couch. "I filled the donuts with the white egg and oil condiment." He says holding up the empty mayo jar.

"Why would you do that! I hate mayo." You say punching him in the chest before walking off.

"I like you when you're annoyed Y/N." he says following you. 

"Clearly." You mutter. 
"But if it makes you unhappy I doughnut enjoy your misery. See the joke I made there? Doughnut." He said grinning.

"No more pranks please. Or at least no more mayo in doughnut pranks." You say.

"I will not fill donuts with the mayo, that's what the creamy egg and oil mixer is yes?" He says nodding.

"Great you say getting up on your tippy toes and kissing him lightly. He looks surprised when you pull away from him. "You've just been Y/N'd." You say walking away. 

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