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"Y/N" Tony said "Go get Pietro I want to test his new treadmill out." He said wiping off the shiny machine. 
"Already here." Pietro said zooming to your side. "Ready to be impressed?" He said smirking at you. He stepped on the machine looking at the abundance of buttons. "Mr.Stark these will be more efficient than your other failures yes?" He asked stretching out his arm for you to measure his blood pressure. He takes his shirt off so you can stick other monitors on his chest to monitor his lungs and heart.
"They were not failures! Just prototypes..." Tony said in defense rolling his eyes. He pressed the start button. The treadmill starts at nine miles per hour.

"Start off at a normal human pace and you can increase and decrease with these buttons." He said as two blue arrows lit up. "And here you can do different excers-" He said as a screen lit up. 

"I want to go fast. This is boring." Pietro interested increasing the miles per hour to 600 miles per hour. Pietro's face lit up as the treadmill kept up with his pace. "What a surprise, your latest  running machine works. Probably because Y/n helped you." he said pressing the sprint button.

Tony rolled his eyes and walked away. "Yeah yeah whatever Quicky."

"I am serious you are the most intelligent person this team." He said running at 1,000 mph. "I HEARD THAT!" Tony yells form the hallway outside the gym. Pietro chucked to himself winking at you making you blush a little. "Thank you." You manage to say.

"Don't hurt yourself. The machine could still be faulty." You warn him taking notes on his vitals and how the machine is responding to his movement. "If you get tired just press the cool down button it will go to about 300-90 miles per hour." You say pointing to the black button. He nods but you can tell he's not paying attention. He just wants to test the machine until he's tired himself...Or caused another explosion. The treadmill turns out to work completely fine. "That went well you say as you remove the monitor stickers

"All thanks to you Y/N." He says smirking while rubbing his chest where the last sticker monitor was. You laugh and shake your head as you walk away.

"Y/N," Pietro calls to you as you open the doors to the gym. "Want to run on the treadmills?" he asks grabbing a water bottle out from fridge outside the gym.

"Sure.I won't be going as fast as you tho." You say holding the door open for him. He smiles at your response.

"So, are you seeing anybody. He says stretching his arms.

You shake your head as you go into a lunge. "Nope. Are you?" You ask. He shakes his hairs making his bangs fall in his eyes. "I love somebody but she doesn't know it yet. Wanda's always pressing me to tell her how I feel about her...' He said looking at his shoes then at you.

" I know how you feel." You say pressing start on the treadmill. "I'm good friends with Wanda. And she's always telling me to tell the person I love how I feel too." You say picking up your pace to a light jog. He nods as he starts at 275 mph. You two run in silence for a while. You catch Pietro staring mindlessly at you and look away when he sees you noticed. He trips a little and flies backwards off the treadmill crashing into machines behind you.

"Oh my god!" You say slamming the emergency break and hopping off the machine to see if he's alright. "What happened? Lets  get you some ice real quick." You say lifting his chin. 

"Y/N? Why are there three beautiful replicas of you in front of me?" he asks before his eyes roll back and blacks out. Wanda runs through the doors. "i heard your thoughts I came right away." She says rushing over to her brother. 

"He was just running then he tapped and flew backwards off them machine." You say getting up to get a first aid kit off the wall. You see a brush start to form on his shoulder and a bleeding gash on his lower leg. Wanda levitates his body leading his unconscious body to the couch in the living room. "Y/N," Wanda says as you look up from cleaning the cut on his leg. "Stay with him? I think he will want to talk to you when he awakes." She said smoothing out her brothers hair.

You sit by Pietro for the couple of hours only getting up to go to the bathroom and get something to drink. 

"Y/N?" He says. His voice is raspy and cracked from lack of water. You rush over and hand him a glass "Drink this first. Don't get up yet." You say sitting down next to him.

"Thank you.' He says in his normal voice. 

"Don't mention it. We have to take care of each other." You say grinning at him. His hair falls in his face hiding his eyes but you brush it out of his face. You take your hands away form his face and plop them in your hap

"I mean thank you for staying with me.Making sure I was OK even after you clearly tended to my injuries." he said taking your hands in his. "It was an act of love. So I would like to return the favor." He says leaning forward to kiss you.

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