Ch.4 Steve-Unexpected

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I'm dedicating this chapter to my Mom and Dad.Thanks so much for raising me right. Ad for surrounding me with good people and teaching me right and wrong. I really appreciate everything you do for me. I love you guys endlessly. 

You woke up to the sun streaming in thru your blinds. "Uggg."You said turning over snuggling your face into Steve's shoulder.

"Well good morning to you too." He says in a groggy voice. Looking up at him with one eye open you smile at him and blow morning breath in his face
"Gross." He mutters scrunching his nose making you laugh a little You turn over grabbing your phone. The screen reads: HALP My uterus won't stop trying to commit suicide! It's been a week and two days; From BFF/N. "That's weird." you say mostly to yourself. You and BFF/N have been synced up since high school. "What's weird?" Steve says massaging your back.

"Huh. I'm late..." You say checking your Period tracker app. He pauses for a second looking over your shoulder raising an eyebrow. "Why would ya know, be late." he asks as you turn around to look at him. "I dunno. weight gain or loss, stress, if I'm sick, medicine,exercising too much... If I'm pregnant." You say rolling your eyes at the last option. "But I doubt that last one." You say rolling your eyes.

"Do you want to check. Just in case, I mean. When did we um.. canoodle." He says. You laugh at his modesty to the subject. "You're so cute." You say as you pat his cheek. " I don't think I need to tho." You say as you stretch.

"OK," He says getting out of bed "You ever wonder what it would like to be parents." He said scratching his chin a little.
"Of course. I do occasionally but I've never really thought about  having kids seriously." You say walking into the bathroom. 

"It's scary to think about Y/N. To think it's possible I could; hypothetically speaking, be responsible for a life. And it's kind of my life in a way since it's half me..." He says putting toothpaste on his toothbrush.

"I remember when I was little I would always be the dad if my friends played house. I never wanted to be the mom." You say. "I always felt it was so much more fun to play sports with my kids than have tea parties.And the girls I played with were pushy so I could get away with leaving the game half way thru and pretending I was, at work." You say adding air quotations around the last words. He laughs getting a little toothpaste on the mirror.

"What kind of parent would you be Y/N?" He asks looking at you in the mirror as you put a snail egg avocado and dragon fruit  face mask on.
"I think I would be the kind of mom that would let their kid do what they wanted but have some ground rules. And I would definitely want them to be in at least two sports. We would go on lots of trips around the world.What about you?"

"The kind of father that carries his kid on his shoulders until their eighteen. Teaches them right from wrong and drinks milkshakes with them. I would definitely dance to embarrass them. But I would always be there for them if they needed to talk. I would also kiss you in front of them to gross them out just a little." He said

"I kinda want to to take a test now. I mean it'll probably be negative." You say opening the cabinet drawers under the sink. "Steve, when did we last canoodle." You ask getting serious now that you actually thought about it.

His face pales. He holds up a finger for you to wait as he spits in the sink and rises his mouth out.
"Last week... I think" He says."Why? Y/N you're not-."

"Shit."You say as face-palming "I could be pregnant." You say picking a pregnancy test out from the box.He leans against the sink."Well, take the test." He says.
"No. Get out! I have to pee on a stick you can't stay in here and watch." You say pushing him out of the bathroom.

A couple minute goes by and you just can't pee. It's as if you're to anxious to pee at all.
"Y/N?" Steve says knocking on the door "Are we pregnant?" He asks.

"I dunno yet. I can't pee." You say putting your spare hand under your chin. You spend another 15 minutes sitting there trying to pee. And Steve sits with his back against the door asking you every so often if you were pregnant. Just as you were about to pee.. "Y/N? Are you pregnant?" He asks calmly.

"Damn it Steve! I almost had it. Shhhhh. I'll tell you when I get out the bathroom. Jesus." You shout thru the door. "Sorry." He mumbles. "I'm going to make breakfast." He says as you hear him get up and walk away.

"Steve! Steve! Come here! I peed. " You shout washing your hands.

"So?" He says opening the door. "What happened Y/N? Are you-" he starts to say.
"I swear to God. Steve, if you say pregnant one more time I'm going to attack you." You say putting a soapy finger to his lips.

"And I waited to look with you." You say grinning nervously. "You look at, I'm scared. Now I want to be pregnant. I don't want it to say negative." You say handing him the stick."Neither do I. If it's positive I want to keep our baby." He says putting a hand on your stomach. He takes a deep breath. And looks at you a little grin spreading across his face and nods.

"Y/N, We're pregnant."

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