Ch.5-James Rhodes-Greater Good

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You look at your reflection in the mirror and let out a sigh of approval.

"I think you look great." James says wrapping his arms around your waist. "But I think you're missing something..." He says taking a long black box out of his suit pocket.

Opening the box he puts a diamond necklace around your neck. "Happy anniversary Y/N." He whispers fixing the clasp in the back.

"It's beautiful." you say touching the cool white gold. You turn around and kiss him. His phone buzzes in the middle of your kiss causing you two to break apart. "Sorry. Once second honey." He says pulling his phone out of his pocket. You notice he's wearing the Robert Graham suit you bought him for his birthday. He hasn't been in the garage to see to see the Bugatti you bought him.

"Hello?" He says "Oh hey Tony! Y/N, Tony says hi." He says looking over to you. " And happy anniversary." He adds smiling at you.
"Tell him to tell Pepper I say hi." you say straightening out your dress.
"What! No, Tony I can't it's my anniversary-" He shouts into the phone. He looks at you and smiles nervously." Yeah. I know but I can't just leave her. Yes. Yes of course I want to protect her. Yes I know the risks and Y/N does too. No- So I can protect her. Fine. But she's going to hate me." He says before ending the phone call with a sigh.
"What's wrong?" You ask "what does Tony need you for." You ask  walking over to him.
"There is a threat nearby. And he doesn't think he can take them out alone"He said implying that you two wouldn't be able to go out to dinner. You cross your arms over your chest. And shift your weight.
" Y/N,baby, you know I love you but we're talking about the greater good here-"He says trying to touch your face.
You bat his hand away disgusted that he thought for a second he could sweet talk his way out of this.
"Greater good?!" You shout. " I am your wife! I'm the greatest good your ever gonna get?!" You shout as he tries to put your hands in his. "James don't you dare touch me..." You growl as he puts his hands up in defeat.

"Y/N, I need to help Tony. I'll make it up to you when I get back. " He says ads he opens the closet and moves a vase shaped lever. A panel moves revealing an two empty chambers where the suits Tony made for him should have been.

"Y/N, where are my suits? Where did you put them."He says pinching the bridge of his nose.
"I don't know what your talking about." You say smirking. "Y/N I'm trying to protect you. There are people out in this damned world that will try and hurt you because I love you. They will use you as bait to get me and kill you Y/N. I can't live without you. That's why I married you. That's why this day is so special." He says taking your hands in his. You look at him as he  presses his lips to your forehead. He holds you close as you cry you hate how he puts his life in danger for the country. For the people.
For you.

"Let me protect you. Please Y/N..." He whispers. Tears stream down your face as you nod in agreement. And pull away. You take his hand and lead him to the garage. " It was part of your anniversary present from me." You say with a weak smile. You press a button and the door opens revealing the shiny new navy Bugatti you bought him. The car drives out of the garage the window of the drivers seat rolls down revealing his suits sitting in the seats looking out the window. A smile spreads across your face as his jaw drops in awe.

"You bought me a Bugatti veyron!?" He said putting his hand on the car. "Oh my god." He said smiling at you making you smile wider. "Happy anniversary sweetie." You say walking up to him. "I love you." You say putting his face in your hands as you kiss him. When you break away you hold up the keys to the car.  "Hop in and go save the world sweetie." You say giving him a quick kiss.

"Thank you for understanding Y/N." He says as he opens the driver door. The suit stepped out. "Hey," He said pointing a finger at the suit. The suit turned it's head. "Take care of my wife."

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