Ch.13 Wade-Anger Issues

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WARNING: so as you know Deadpool is extremely foul mouthed. I didn't want to take that away from his character in this imagine. So there are a quite a few curse words. If you are sensitive to curse words DO NOT READ. I did upload the second chapter of STUCKY LOVE  earlier today. So you might like my Stucky book. 

You've been working as a therapist for about two years. But you've never had a client as difficult and Wade Wilson. He turns almost everything you say into an innuendo. He's obnoxious and very obsessed with himself. But no matter what he does, you still want to help the avocado man.

"So what brings you in today Wade?" You ask crossing your legs as you look at him.
"Daddy's really fucking mad." He says smiling at you. "He needs to let of some steam." He adds cracking his knuckles.
"So why is Daddy,"You say using air quotes "mad?" You realize saying 'Daddy' was a mistake the second you said it. he smirked at you "Y/N! This is supposed to be strictly a professional relationship!" He teased. "But it doesn't have to be.." He said leaning over you"Slow your role avocado man." you say your hand on his chest to stop him."Feeling me up are you? Didn't know you liked to go so fast." He said smiling wiggling his eyebrows.You roll your eyes removing your hand "Why are you mad Wade?" "Well now I'm mad that you're turning me down." He said shaking his head."You'll get over it." You say patting his arm."I'm mad because no matter how I try I can't stop being angry. Booze; nope. Sex; nuh-uh. Going out; no. Work;wrong." He says listing what he's tried"What do you do?" You ask."I do what I want. I'm my own boss." he says shrugging."So... you have your own company?""No...I'm a bounty hunter." He says as it were obvious."Yeah right." "Don't believe me. Y/N have you ever heard of Deadpool?" He asks smirking unzipping his jacket a little revealing the red leather suit underneath. Your eyes widen realizing that you're a bounty hunters therapist."Are you scared?" "No." You say honestly. "I believe you are Deadpool. But I'm not scared of you." He looks at you confused trying to read your face. "You're lying. Everyone's scared of murderers." "You're a good guy Wade. I've seen it. Most of the people you killed were criminals." You say"Why aren't you scared?" He asks making you wonder why you weren't scared. You should have been scared, that was true. Wade never seemed like a person that would hurt another person. You had seen him mad. Or when he was so calm it was terrifying. But you never saw him as a bad guy. " I dunno. I'm just not." You replied finally with a shrug.Shaking his head  he said "You're weird Y/N. Like really weird." You smiled "So are you."

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