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Devin POV :

We pulled up to my mansion as I tried to figure what words to say to explain to Nicole and Missy I was going out of town for a while .

Everything has been such a blur these past week , the last thing I thought I would be doing is this .

To be honest I was trying to get back on good terms with the mother of my child and become good coparents , it hurted me those few months when Nicole was gone and Missy was upset because of it .

I didn't want my child to feel as if her parents doesn't love her because that's not true .

"Hey you sure you wanna come, you really don't have too." Says Korean touching my shoulder as she sits in the passenger seat with concern eyes .

"Nah , I got this." I said as I looked over to her giving her a light smile as she gives me one back then she nods her head .

I kill the engine as I open the side of my door stepping out as Korean does the same , then as if on cue we both closed the doors at the same time making our way to the front door .

I pull out my key and unlocked the door as I open it to discover nothing but darkness as flashing lights came from the living room and giggles as well .

We made our way over to the living room quietly as I came to see Nicole and Missy watching Frozen , Missy's favorite movie .

"Let it goooo , let it gooooo can't hold it back anymoreeee!" Sanged Missy as she stands on the couch , singing her heart out as if she's Elsa herself .

"I don't care what they going to sayyyy." Nicole joins in singing herself .

I smiled as I watch them two from behind .

"Look at y'all." I said turning on the light switch laughing at them while Korean stands their smiling & giggling herself .

"Daddy!" Screams Missy jumping off the couch, running towards me as I picked her up holding her tight while pecking her forehead .

"Ms. Owens." She screams again noticing Korean as she wiggles out of my embrace hugging Korean's leg .

"Hey young lady , how you doing ?" She ask Missy .

"Good , why you here?"

"Missy!" Says Nicole as walks over picking Missy up .
"Don't be rude."

"I was just asking." She says beginning to pout .

"Aye, cut it out." I said to Missy while trickling her as she tries not to smile but fails .

"But what are you guys doing here if you don't mind me asking?" Nicole says looking at Korean then me .

I was quiet for a second as I cleared my throat .

"Uhh , well I wanted to tell you girls something."

"What is it?" They said in union , she was definitely her mothers child .

"Well you see here , daddy needs to go out of town for a couple days with miss Korean-"

"Why?" Says Missy cutting me off .

"To handle some business."

"What type of business?" Asked Nicole while looking at Korean the whole time mugging her .

"I can't get into detail right now."

"No , its okay Devin , you see my moms in trouble and I wanted Devin to accompanying me so he can help me find her. But if you girls don't want him to leave then I totally understand." She tells them now looking uncomfortable as Nicole keeps mean mugging her .

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