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Kash POV :

Its crazy how you could trust into somebody and they do the complete opposite , betray you .

And that's exactly what Mama Davis did to me, it all made since now she was the cause of Mase death

I sat in my ride as I waited for her to come out the abandoned building where she snoke out to meet that nigga Matthew .

I waited in the car for a hour now as I started to think the worse but as soon as I was about to make a move I saw her coming out as she had a black hoody over her head trying to blend into the night

I couldn't believe she thought she can just disrespect and play a nigga as if I'm a fool

I started the engine as I sped off making my way back home where I know she was now heading

I figure nigga must've been mad to see diapers n shit instead of my fucking hard earned money in the duffel bag .

This family is so dysfunctional I can't take it anymore , every time you try to do right by somebody they prove you otherwise and I been realizing that lately too

I was going to confront Mama Davis tonight but I decided against it , another day another time I thought to myself , its too soon besides I don't want Lee to come back to some shit like this .


Lyric POV :

It was now 8 am as I begin to pack and get ready for our flight at 10 .

I couldn't believe the shit my 'partner' pulled yesterday , recruiting my whore of cousin ass and her having a child at that .

The whole time I wonder who the hell knocked her ass up and why

I loses all respect for her ever since the shit she pulled in New York with Devin , but me and Devin was no longer together and it was time I let by gones be by gones but that shit is hard for me to do .

As I begin to apply my makeup on I got a call from Kash .

"Hey baby." I say answering it .

"Hey babyeh, you ready to come home?" He asked

"Yesss , ready to lay in my bed and see my family again , you , Javi, and Ma."

He was silent for a minute , I looked at the phone to check if he hanged up


"Oh my bad bae, but I'm glad you coming back cus a nigga been missing you."

"Awee I miss you too baby."

"Mm, can't wait for you to come back." He says as I could imagine him smirking

"Why?" I asked trying to act clueless

"So I can lick and slide this tongue all over that fat cat." He says making me bust out and laugh

"Boy stop."

"Girl I'm for real, think I'm playing you know its been a while."

"I know since the baby."

"But that's all about to change today but first I wanna take you and Javier out somewhere special ."

"Oh okay, where we going?" I asked

"Its a surprise ."

"You know I hate when you say that."

"That's why I always say it." He says laughing

"Bye Kash." I say laughing while rolling my eyes as if he can see me

"Love you Mrs. Jones."

"Love you too Mr. Jones." I say

"Aite lemme know when you close."

"Okay later."

"Aight." He says ending the call

I laugh once again as I looked at the phone with a picture of me and Kash taking a silly picture together that I save as my home screen while Javier's 1st baby picture is my screen saver .

Knock knock !

I walked towards the door as I peep out the peep hole to see it was Ghost

I sighed as I slowly open the door

"Hi." I said flatly

He let's himself in as I continue to pack

"Hey, you almost ready to leave."

I look at the digital clock on the nightstand

"Its 8:30." I say looking at him

"I know , but im saying as soon as we get back we got a lot of things to do."


"We have to get straight into business , start the reservations with the hotel , the girls need to get to practicing and you need to coach them."

"For what , these girls been stripping since god knows when, so why I gotta coach them on something they already know how to do?"

He laughs

"You have a smart mouth , ya know that right."

I stale face him

"You must still be mad about yesterday huh?"

"Are we done here?" I asked getting annoyed

He slightly smiles as he gets up


He quickly walks up to me garbbing me by the neck pulling me into his lips as they touch one another

"What...the.. Fuck!" I yelled in disbelief as I pushed him away

"Is you fucking crazy?!" I yelled once again as I wiped my lips

"Don't act like you don't want me Lee."

"Cus I don't , in case you didn't notice I have a fucking Fiancé!" I said flashing my right hand with my diamond engagement ring on at him

"Well you wasn't to sorry about him when I was holding yo hand and shit."

"Well I'm sorry I gave you the wrong impressions but i'm in love with my fiancé , I wouldnt dare do him wrong like this."

"Den get yo ass your own plan ticket to the city , I'm out."


He walks out giving holding up the deuces as he laughs mumbling

"You done fucked up."

Den he closes the door behind him slamming it

"What the fuck!" Was all I kept repeating .

What was I going to do now ??!

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