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Kash POV :

After everything I've been through with this girl, all the times I was showing I was the right nigga for her, it just feels like she'll never get it thru her fucking head .

I love Lee with all my heart and everything in me , but the way she keeps making a nigga feel is slowly pushing me away .

But most importantly I wanted to see this nigga Ghost and smoke his ass .

I couldn't believe he had the audacity to kiss and flirt with an engaged woman but I couldn't even be that mad at em cus Lee was probably doing the same shit .

I shook my head .

Then I looked down at my phone as I saw the address texted to me .

I gripped hard on the steering wheel as I speeded up my paste while all I could think about is killing dude .

Mama Davis POV:

Javier was now sound away sleep as I laid him in his crib after feeding and burping him, then I made my way to check and see how's Lyric doing .

I knocked on Lyric's bedroom door as I heard her crying her eyes out .

I twist the knob as i slowly open the door to see her buried into a pillow just crying .

"Lee baby , what's wrong?" I asked as I walked in .

"Go away." She says sniffling .

"Not until you tell me what happen."

"Kash's leaving me." She says as she begins to cry harder

I gasped .

"Why, what happen?"

"My stupidity , I wasn't thinking right and I did some shit I knew wasn't right." She says slowly sitting up .

"You cheated?" I asked as I took a seat on the bed

"Not really , I just flirted with my coworker a lil and now it's biting me in the ass."

"Oh my god Lee , what made you do that."

"I don't know ma, I really don't." She says shaking her head while putting her head in her hands .

"I'm so stupid." She mumbles .

"No your not , look lee I'm sure it was just mixed emotions and he missed understood but I know Kash loves you too much to just up and leave cus you flirted with a nigga."

"But I put Kash thru so much with the whole devin thing and me not knowing what I want this might've just been the last straw I pulled." She cries .

I rub her back as I try to console her .

"Everything is gonna be okay Lee , I promise."

"I can't lose him ma , I love him soo much and it took me so long to finally realize it. He's a great father , a great friend , and soon to be a great husband I don't want him to leave and give his love to somebody else , Kash is everything I ever asked in a man."

I felt her pain all too well , Gavin was everything I asked in a man and when I lost him I lost myself, I don't want Lee to go through the same situations I went thru when losing her father.

"You guys gonna get thru this okay, I promise." I say as I hugged her .


Devin POV :

"Where is she?!" I said out loud as I busted inside the hospital .

Everybody looks at me as if I'm crazy , I stare at the nurse behind the desk as she smacks on her gum rolling her eyes .

"Name sir." She says in her ratchet tone .

"Devin Stones , I'm looking for what room my baby mother Nicole Williams is."

She types into her computer as she nods her head then seconds later ..

"She's in room 206."

"Thank you." I said as I rushed into the back towards the room .

Seconds later I came across 206 .

I stopped in my tracks as I looked at the door to my right .

I was nervous , but most importantly scared , I couldn't believe she was gone and I wasn't here to at least save her from her death .

"Hello sir , are you Mr. Stones." Says the white male doctor that had a tag name Wills.

"Yes." I nodded my head.

"Hello Mr. Stones , I'm Dr. Wills its nice to finally meet you, I'm truly sorry for your lost we tried everything that we could but she wasn't breathing an ounce."

I nodded as I remain silent while anger formed into my eyes .

"Is she in there?" I asked him .

He shook his head .

"No , we had to remove her." He informs me .

"Where can I see her body?"

"Well right now you won't be able to see her body until her funeral if her family and friends decide to have one."

"No doubt, thanks." Was all I said as I walked away trying my hardest not to break down .

"Oh! Mr. Stones may I ask you a question?" He calls from behind .

I slowly spun around as I nod my head , he walks up to me.

"May I ask are you familiar with any enemies that could have been the cause of this?"

I shooked my head , he nods .

"Well okay , but if you somehow remember please give a call to this number and please inform them." He says handing me a card that had the number 1-800-667-9999 .

I nodded .

"Have a nice day Dr. Wills."

He nods as he gives a slight smile walking away continuing his business as I left the premises

As I got in the car I banged on the steering wheel

"UGH!!" I yelled out of anger .

I couldn't believe this shit , if I just would've stayed with them this would've never happen .

It hurt me so much to realize Nicole was gone for good , now my daughter is to live with a father without having a mother in her life like before but this time for the rest of her life .

Tears begin to form in the brim of my eyes as the pain begin to kick in .

She was really gone , just when shit was getting better she just had to go , I really couldn't believe it for the sake in me

I drove all the way to my house as I saw the yellow tape that cover the front of my house .

I cut the engine and got out as I begin to walk to the front door

I slowly open the door as I saw the blood being the first thing I see

There in the front sat a pool of blood stains and everything else looked the same

I hurry and walked passed as I tried not to think about the shit , I was tired of being depress from Lee all the way to now

I looked thru the papers on the coffee table as I one caught my eyes

I open the envelope as it had my name , Nicole , and Missy's

It read

DNA results ..

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