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Devin POV:

I up & awoken when I heard the front door being close and Nicole walking into the living room with a puzzle expression upon her face

"Who was that?" I asked as I stretch a lil while yawning as Missy was still laid out on my chest

"Ms Owens." She says while putting her hands on her hips shifting her weight to one side

She looks at me in disbelief as I scoffed .

"What she wanted?"



"She didn't say, she said she just wanted to talk to you and for you to call her later." She says starting to walk back into the kitchen


"Its none of my business Dev, you's a grown man and your not mines." She says cutting me off

"I know but I what I was going to say is if you can put Missy upstairs fa me."

She stops walking , turns around with a sly embrassed face then slightly smiles and walks over to get Missy while putting her in her arms.

"Thanks," I slightly chuckle at how embrass she was, "I gotta handle some things so I'll be back later, you guys want anything while I'm out?" I asked her

She shakes her head as she makes her way upstairs.

As I watch her go up and around the corner , I shake my head as I realize she was jealous of the situation between me and Korean

I start to make my way to my bedroom as I begin to take a shower and get ready to head to the trap

Lyric POV:

Everything between me and Kash has been good so far, we've been supporting each other and being great parents to Javier

But now that I was back into the streets Kash was still a little upset with the decision I choose but he still supported it

Today was my big meeting with Ghost and the members of his work

To be honest I was nervous , I was so used to having my own business and with the help of family and friends that I was now coming into somebody else business soon trying to make it my own

As I strutted my way towards the silver doors everybody watch my very walk as I made my way to his doors

Security nod his head as he open the door and let me in

I walked in as I saw everybody stop what they were doing and stare at me

"Welcome Mrs. Jones , everybody say hello to our new team member and now my new partner Mrs. Jones."

"You guys can just call me Lee." I said waving hi to everybody

They all nod their heads as they went back to what they were doing

"Would you care for a drink?" Ghost asked me as we both make our way to the bar

"Yes can I please get sex on the beach." I told the bartender

He nods his head as he starts making the drinks , guessing he already knew what Ghost wanted

"So business, what do you have for me?" Say Ghost looking across to me.

"I have so much in store for us both. Now you remember when I told you I used to do trafficking?"

He nods his head

"Well I currently got in contact with the owner of Vesaè. Are you familiar with them?"

"Yes , one of the best hotel suites known in New York."

"Well we talked and he said it will be his honor to have us doing business with him but for a good price of course."

"And how much is he talking?"

"100 G's. For all of the top floor install to us and for free liquor and basically everything. But here's the catch."

"And that is?"

We can only have these parties happen on Wenesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays."

"So only three days of this for a 100 G's." He says playing with his chin hair, thinking.

"Yes but that's all we need its for a good price and I'm telling you all the ballers will be throwing so much money that we won't even have to worry about business days for real for real."

"Well did you even figure out what type of girls you gonna have working?"

"I still in contact with a few of my best ones that used to work for me I'm pretty sure they won't mind going back into this type of business it paid them handsomely. And for the rest I figured I just hit up some of the best strip clubs in New York, Florida, and Atlanta of course grab a few cute faces and nice bodies and see how they work the pole and the bedroom."

"You seem to have this well planned out." He says laughing

"Yes, so what do you say?"

"I say you got yourself a deal, so I will reserve the plan tickets and me and you both can make some trips to find the new faces of, wait what you gonna call it."

"I want a new name, so I thought about it and I decided
To call it , G Spot."

"I like it , well then let's get to business." He holds his shot up and I hold my glass up and we clash them together .

Things are finally looking up

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