“Monday, you monkey!”

“Ok, they gave me until Wednesday to kill her, or they would come and do it themselves.” I said, becoming even gloomier.

“Then why didn’t you do anything you stupid clock?!” He yelled at me.

“I tried!”

“No you didn’t, you stood in the doorway and looked stupid, then you blamed Eliza. That’s not what I call doing something.” He snapped back at me. And I had to admit that he was right.

“I wanted to try, but then… I don’t know. I never asked for any of this!” I sighed in defeat. “I wanted to be the hero, but then I ended up being the bad-guy. I wish none of this had ever happened.”

Xander nodded and walked out the door. I sighed as I realized that all hope was lost for Eliza and me. No matter how much I wanted this to work, it never would. She would be dead, properly this time, and I would be alone. And it wasn’t like there was any way out of this. I had considered them all.

I could use the same spell as she had used on me, would work, but the High Council would want to see some ashes. So I’d get some ashes, but they would have brought some trackers in case I didn’t do my job. So the trackers would pick up Eliza’s scent, and then they would kill her. The tracker would find us if we ran away too. I could see no way out. Eliza was doomed.

Xander’s POV:

I walked out of my castle and towards Eliza’s. It was time to initiate step two, make Eliza see sense and take Joel back. I was convinced that I had convinced Joel. So now I was headed over to Eliza to make her convinced and to beg for some chocolate.

“Hey, uh… What’s your name?” I asked the dude sitting on the front steps. He looked up and I saw a young face with ancient eyes. The eyes studied me and it seemed as though they studied my mind and soul as well. I tried to read him, but his shields were too strong, or else it was simply the fact that he was a vampire.

“What is a young hunter like yourself doing walking up to the home of more than thirty of the most powerful vampires in the world?” He said softly, looking straight into my eyes.

“Uh, I’m looking for Eliza. Have you seen her? Wait, you never answered my question. Who are you?” I said cheerily.

“I am Benjamin. The oldest living vampire in the world, and the leader of this clan.” He said slowly, his eyes never wavering from mine.

“Oh, ok. So have you seen Eliza? I need to talk some sense into her. I want her to take Joel back, so that we can remain friends. She’s really nice, you’re lucky to have her on your team.” I said as he stood up.

“Xander, why do you want them to be together when you see how much pain it causes them?” He asked as he put an arm around my shoulder. I was taken aback, he knew my name and how could he not want them to be together?

“Because, they may fight, but that was just a stupid misunderstanding, and when they really are together, they’re so happy.  How could anyone not see that?” I asked him softly.

Bloodlust & heartbreakजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें