Chapter 15 (part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Well, if you need it let me know, I am gonna iron a few of my clothes" She said with a shy smile as she headed to our room.

"Yes, please, iron all my clothes for me, thanks for asking Ally" Mani shouted and then laughed ironically.

"Nahhh, she is just a freak of cleaning and order....she just thinks I'm a child or something. She's acting too weird, isn't actually creepy that she calls me out but still she says it with that cheesy smile on her face?" I asked Mani. "OMG, is she on drugs?" I said joking.

"She is definitely not, but you should keep an eye on your drinks when you go out, gurl" She said with that challenging smile on her face wanting me to figure out what she wanted to say. Normani always does that.

"Whatcha talking about?" I had absolutely no clue.

"Bring your ass back to planet Earth, Lauren" I was totally clueless waiting for her.

"Spill!" I yelled.

"OMG, Lauren don't you see it? She is totally into you!!!"I laughed so hard that I almost fall from the chair.

"Sureeee, Mani sureee, go and take your pills" I rolled my eyes at her. Obviously, it made no sense but my heart started beating so fast; I started to feel anxious, nervous. Mani is messing with me. She must have seen how I look at Ally.

"You idiot, don't you realize? She is so flirting with you" Mani assured.

"Totally, I believe you, I do....unless you forgot she is not gay...and me neither, so, who cares?" I said trying not to turn red.

"First off, you are so bi Lo, and secondly, I didn't say she's gay....she's just so infatuated with you" Normani said seeming amused.

"Beautiful, I mean lovely... go and write a lesbian novel or something, Normani" I said sarcastically.

"You are so blinded, smartass. Don't you see it? She is all over you every second" She said poking me on the head.

"Ouuch" I whined. "Well, she's just an affectionate person. She cuddles with all of us" I said with the dumbest smile on my face, thinking about her and me cuddling.

"Leaving aside your dumb im-so-into-her-too smile for now, I have to point out that she has just way too much affection for you lately....and..." Mani said before I could even try to speak "She was just doing all this making only YOU breakfast, and what about cleaning up your sutff? And don't even make me talk about the ironing thing" She had a confused but happy look on her face.

"Who the hell flirts like that?, it is way too weird" I said.

"Ally does" Normani said staring at me.

"C'mon, we are in 2015 and she's playing the perfect wife?....with a girl?" I said skeptically. "Nice theory Mani...but no way" I said standing up.

"She doesn't even know that she is doing it, but she is indeed flirting with you" She nodded. "Awwww she fell for you, isn't it cute?" Mani asked with the widest smile.

"She is not into girls, period" I stated starting to feel a little mad. I was getting enough. But, why? I don't even like her; I mean...I've might thought about hooking up with her a few times, and Ok, I might have think I'm in love with her, but I am confused. I've never been with a girl, plus I love her to death; She's my best friend and....

"Why so serious, Lo?" I heard her voice behind me, and my pulse went insanely crazy.

"I'm" I quickly replied stumbling.

"Ok, I'm gonna just take the mop and you girls can carry on with your mysterious conversation" Ally said happily.

"There's no mystery any more, girl" Mani said playfully.

I couldn't help it. It was bothering me. It felt like Mani was teasing me; so, I went ahead and said it.

"Mani is into you Ally, like seriously, she has a crush on you" I said getting my revenge. Mani must have thought it was funny to see Ally's reaction so she reminded quiet.

"On...on me??" Ally said nervously "I don't know if you are kidding or what" she said looking stressed. "But Mani, no offense, you are so beautiful and all....and you know girls, that I'm ok with gay people....but it's just not for me" My eyes widened I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"It was obviously a joke.....What is your fucking problem??!!" I exploded right in her face. Then I just left and headed to our room incredibly mad.

I slammed my door's room. Who the hell is she? Is she homophobic? She and her little preacher friends are too good for homosexuality. I sat in my messy bed. I tried to hold back my tears. I am not gonna cry because an ultraconservative person. It just bothers me. It is an injustice, and I hate them. I don't freaking care if she is hetero and would never touch a girl; one day I will and I'd have experimented all. And she is gonna die being afraid to live a little.

I heard a knock on my door. "Not in the mood, whoever you are, go away" I simply said. My door is opening. It must be Mani, or maybe Dinah wants to borrow something.

"Pushing people away again? Gosh, Lauren! Chill!" Ally said with authority.

It made me crazy seeing her standing there like she was somehow better than me. "You are not preaching me; you are not giving me advice...just get lost, Ok?." I replied furious. 

~First part yaaaay!!!'

I'm sorry for all the drama, babes, but it makes sense, soon everything is gonna blow up! (By soon I mean part 2 lol)

There is a very tense atmosphere, because Lauren is obviously hurting and frustrated. You'll see how the discussion will turn into something unexpected.

Anyway, the struggle is real; bear with it.

Make sure, not to miss the part 2 my lovelies! I promise from now it is gonna change, but still there'll be tons of drama.

Thanks to all of you for sticking around! Love you a lot <3 !!!

By the way, I'll try to update soon, but I'm starting the second part from scratch. I just have a teeny tiny idea. Let's see how it turns out :)

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