I focused my attention back on the movie, regardless of how boring it was. From what I had gathered from the small amount of attention I had paid to it, I could tell that it was one of those ridiculously cliche movies that either teenage girls or lonely middle aged women would find entertaining.

God, I was going to kill Louis. 


After what felt like a lifetime, the movie had finally ended.

Louis and Liam had disappeared pretty much as soon as we had left the theatre. I wasn't clueless and I knew what they would be doing. I didn't care that Louis had ditched me for his boyfriend but I did care that he had left me alone with Harry.

I said nothing as I followed him out of the building and into the cool outside air, hoping I could make it back to my house without much trouble. 

"You looked like you really enjoyed that," Harry said as he started the car, turning to look at me for a second, before looking back at the road.

"I'd rather not waste my time with stupid romance movies. That's more your thing," I replied.

He laughed, and I would be lying if I said he didn't have a nice laugh. Not that I would actually say that to him, he was cocky as it was.

"So I take it your not much of a romance movie lover?" he asked.

"There's a reason I'm gay and it's that I don't have to put up with annoying shit like that."

"Are you sure that's your reason for liking guys? Because I swear that it's because you like it when I stick my--"

"I'm going to stop you there, before I do something you would hate," I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You didn't deny it though," he said after a pause.

"That's because I know that you would disagree, regardless of what I say," I said monotonously.

"Alright, Niall. I believe you," he smirked.


He pulled up outside my house and turned the car off, before opening his door and exiting the car, making me do the same thing. He walked over to stand right in front of me, tilting his head down as I was shorter than him by a significant amount.

"So, I guess this is the part of the date when I kiss you goodbye?" he asked, raising his eyebrow.

I nearly choked on air as he said this but I stopped myself and let out a small and rather sarcastic laugh. There was a part of me that wished he was being serious but then there was a part of me that wanted to slap him and leave without saying a single thing.

I noticed that my parents' cars were parked outside, causing me to look up and smirk at him.

"Come inside," I told him, not actually giving him a chance to answer as I was already pulling him up to the front door.

"Aren't your parents home?" he asked.

"Yeah. And?" I replied, raising an eyebrow.

He shrugged and followed me up the stairs and into my room.

As quick as usual, Harry had pushed me onto my bed and his lips began kissing down my jaw and onto my neck, leaving countless red marks as he did so.

Getting tired of waiting, I began to undress myself, giving Harry a look that suggested he do that as well. Once the both of us were completely undressed, I pulled him down to kiss me roughly. My hands tugging at his hair, causing him to let out pleasured hisses every time I pulled at it.

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