Ch 10- Adjustment

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The Adjustment

Dedicated to: My fans


I awoke the next morning. My family history is wow. Apparently I'm related to.... lets make a list:


Godric Gryffindor

Helga Hufflepuff

Rowena Ravenclaw

Salazar Slytherin

which means I'm related to Tom Riddle! Eww!

I'm also related to Nicholas Flammel.

I practically own Hogwarts then.

I'm the only Dragomir and my mom who is missing was a Dragomir.

I wonder what my mom was like, I wonder.

I went to classes.

I'm gonna stay in Gryffindor. That's what I've decided!

Boom baby!

I'm crazy today to much sugar and too much info in my mind equals crazy hyper Skylar.

Lockhart's class was boring so I stood on my desk and pointed at Lockhart.


The class erupted in laughter.

"Excuse me?" He said, laughing it off.

"You heard me, I didn't stutter, I'm not Quriel."

"I'm sorry sir, she had a lot of sugar!" said Hermione quickly.

"And a Butterbeer," mumbled Ron.

"I don't drink Butterbeer, you fat pig."

The class laughed again.

"Someone escort her out,"

"I'll do It," said Harry quickly.

"Thank you Mr. Potter,"

"Harry why did you escort me out?"

"You're always there for me and I dread his classes."

"You should have seen Ron's face,"

"You and him get along better than last year,"

"Yeah, I guess we do."

"What's wrong with you today?"

"Information overload, like seriously I found out I'm related to the founding fathers of this school."

"Are you going to the battle?"

"I shall, and I bet your going to battle Draco and I'm gonna battle Pansy,"


Draco and Harry's battle

"Yeah! Go Harry!"

Draco gave me a look,

"Go Draco!"

A snake popped up.

"Come," I said when Harry said, "Stop,"

"Come," I said again.

It slithered towards me. I grabbed it.

In English I said, "Thank you Draco for the pet Snake!"

Everybody looked confused.

"Ms. Dragomir, it was made from magic it must be gone."

"Fine Sev," I whispered handing it to him.

Whispers went around.

I smiled at everyone and waved.


Word went round of that either Harry or I are the Heirs of Slytherin, we actually know who is. This girl. So its all good.

I tell Hermione she can help Ron with Homework and I will help Harry. I really hate the fat pig.

I received a advanced potion set and book from Sev for my very very late birthday.

Fred and George made it really funny they kept saying,

"Make way for the heirs of Slytherins!" which I knew Harry appreciated.

I never see my owl Scar anymore. Only when in occasion he drops me a letter.

I told Dumbledore I'm staying in Gryffindor but I can still be prefect for the other classes like *cough* Slytherin.

He said, okay because the Slytherin weren't all that smart.

Weeks past by and there was something big going to happen.


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