Ch 9- Hogwarts

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We climbed aboard the train saying goodbye to the Weasley's.

We're going to be Second years yay! I shouldn't of had all that candy, but oh well.

Hermione was gushing about Gilderoy Lockhart, and I gagged.

Boo! Lockhart will be teaching us!

Hermione gave me a glare everyone else agreed with me. I didn't realize I said that out loud.

I went to the Slytherin compartment and sat by Draco.

"Hi Draco,"

"Hello Skylar," he pecked me on my cheek.

"So you missed me?"

"Of course, I missed you, You know you would of done well in Slytherin,"

"I chose Gryffindor for a reason you remember,"

"That's why I like you," he said.

A knock, "I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"

I stood up, "not at all,"

"Yes you are, Pansy get out," said Draco.

"Come on, Draco be nice," I said.

"What is it Parkinson?" Draco asked.

"Have you seen Blasie?" She asked him.

"Two compartments down," He said.

"So she is after Blasie now?" I ask him.

"Apparently, and he didn't tell me." said Draco.

"Look your times up," Draco groaned.

"Anyways you need to get ready." I giggled.

We got of the train and Fred and George decided to carry me to my carriage. Where The Golden Trio were waiting they put me down softly. I guess they don't want me to humiliate them. But I will and they wouldn't know what hit them. For now I just put signs on there back that said Kick me! on there back. They will think I lost my touch and then they won't know what hit them.

"Hi guys," I said.

"Hey Sky, the twins are being nice to you," Hermione said.

"They got me in trouble with Mrs. Weasley," I grumbled.

"I see," she said.

"How was your summer Mione?" I ask.

"Great, I went to America with my folks."

We arrived to the castle.

I saw Luna getting sorted. I waved. She smiled at me. People are wondering what I'm doing.

Blah Blah Blah. The sorting was over some kid name Dennis wanted Harry's picture.


Halfway through the school year and many people are becoming petrified by who knows what and something keep on saying it wants blood, Harry and I only can hear it, I think Dumbledore can too, but he isn't doing anything about it. Poor Harry lost bones in his arms because of Lockhart and is in the hospital and has to regrow like sixty two bones in his arm. I kissed Harry's head, "get well soon, Harry," I thought.

Dumbledore asked me to come to his office.

"What is it Professor Dumbledore?"

"I want to you to know your family's history,"

"My family, history? Is it easy?"

"Not at all, its very complicated. So in your late history the first Dragomirs had a at least fifteen children and only the three boys are important, their names were Daniel, Derek, and Damian. They were hired by King Gryffindor, King Gryffindor married three wives Princesses Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and Ravenclaw, who each had a set of twins. Queen Ravenclaw gave birth to Neptune and Skylar, Queen Hufflepuff to Hayley and Cloud, and Finally the other Queen gave birth too Starphire and Solar."

He paused as trying to remember.

"Solar and Cloud had died in trying to protect there sisters, but Neptune survived because Skylar had magic since she was born. She made a charm to save her twin. But he didn't show himself to her so they thought he died."

"Skylar had a strong bond with Daniel, and the Dragomirs, where the first with magic but there magic disappeared do too there parents dying it made a turmoil so they couldn't use their magic, Daniel was the oldest and he could transform into a Dragon still, even though his magic was gone and he took care of his younger siblings, Let me make this quick. Skylar and Daniel died, Hayley and Damian wed, Star and Derek Wed, and Neptune had a child, and The Dragomirs are known to be related to the best wizards in the world."

"So basically, I'm a recarnated version of Skylar?"


"So I'm related to every founding father of Hogwarts,"



"Do you want to switch into Ravenclaw? or Hufflepuff?"

"Maybe, I have to think about it, Bye Dumbledore!"

I skipped down the steps to my dorm I need to process what just happened.


How did you like the chapter? Should she change Classes maybe she will do well in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff or should she stay in Gryffindor? Give me a good reason if she should switch.

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Lots of Love,

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