Chapter 5-Drama and Answers

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I went to Dumbledore's office the sorting hat said I was a Dragomir. The whole Dragomir thing is getting to me, I can't think straight with this kind of information.

"Skylar, I've been expecting you to come one of these days. You probably have a lot of questions right now."

"Yeah, I do," I said.

"Go ahead ask away," Dumbledore said grabbing a lemon drop from his desk and popping it into his mouth.

"Am I really a Dragomir?" I asked.

"Yes and you and Harry have great things ahead of you."

"Like what?"

"Skylar, as a Dragomir you are a very powerful witch."

"I know that I am, everyone tells me that. But being a Dragomir explains so much."

"How so?" Dumbledore asked.

"My patronus is a Dragon and I am able to shift into a black wolf. The wolf has nothing to do with dragons but still."

Dumbledore's eyes were open wide in shock,"That is very advanced magic and what size of a wolf."

"Any size I want it to be." I said smugly.

"Anything else," he asked and looked at me as if I was some endangered species. A look of awe and interest.

"I don't need a wand to use my magic, um... I am also awesome at potions, legilimency and occlumency, oh yeah I already have my apparition license and know everything that Hogwarts teaches already."

"You are a very strong witch indeed," he said and thought a moment, "How would you like to be a part of the order?"

"I would like to be in it very much sir."

"I see you have a dark mark?"

"It is an illusion."

"I think you should get a real one. So you can be a better spy and spy for the order."

"Okay sir." I said exiting the office.

Fred came up to me and seemed troubled.

"Hey Fred,"

"Hey, um Skylar, will you like to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend."

"Sure, I have no plans."

"Don't you have classes and homework though?" he asked surprised.

"Yeah I do but why go to classes when you already know everything."

"Right you are." He said laughing.

"So where's George?"

"He is hanging out with his new girlfriend Angelina." he said with spite.

"I thought she likes you?"

"I thought so too." I detect jealousy.

"You like Angelina, I can help you get her."

"That's nice of you."

"Yeah," I told him the plan.

"Well, goodbye Weasley see you on Friday!"

"See you soon Black!"

"It's Dragomir!" I yelled heading to the common room. I ran into Draco in the halls, I groaned I am so sick with his attitude.

"So you and the Wesel,"

"So you and Pansy?"

"What about her?"

"What about him?" I countered.

"Why are you being so difficult?"

"Why do you think you're so high and mighty? Do you think you're better than everyone else? That makes you just as less, you hide behind that façade you put up but I know better. You are just a coward Malfoy. A COWARD!" Woah, I am angry.

"What. did. I .ever. do. to. you?" he said angrily.

"You pick on my friends and you pick on Harry you pick on everyone. And until you change, and I doubt that you will, we can be friends."

Draco walked off. Then he stopped, he turned around with his wand out and did a spell.

That Ferret! I shot out fire from my hands. His eyes widened, mine did too. I have an element? Cool!

Draco ran out,

"You're going to regret this Black."

I shook my head I better change my name or maybe not. I went into the common room and saw the golden trio sitting and whispering in hushed whispers. Should I go and see what they're doing? Yeah I guess. I walked up to them,

"Sup homies."

"Hey Skylar," they said in unison.

"What you up to?"

"Promise you won't tell,"

"I promise"

"They told me all about the philosopher's stone and the three headed dog,"



"you can count me in for help."

"You can get hurt," Harry said worried.

"I can take care of myself," I said.

"Can you prove it?" said Ron.

"Actually, yes meet me outside," I said.

"Okay." They said.

Dragomir (Book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora