Unloved.「Chapter Twenty」

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Years had passed,so much had happened within those years...I can't explain how I feel anymore...I keep it all bottled up inside of me.No one has noticed,until he came along.It was the usual day at work,nothing unusual.I thought I knew all these events too well,until something new unfolded in front of me,

He was there.I knew who he was,what he is and who is now.I know it all but it seems I wasn't shown this part at all.

"(NAME)?Could you do me a favour?Could you handle the cafe for a bit?Its seems I have something to do,Sorry!Ill be back though!"Touka clasped both her hands in front of her face and bowed her head slightly.I raised both hands in front of me.

"S-Sure,Touka.Ill be happy to."I smiled gently and she the smile.

"Thank you so much!"She left the store in a hurry.He was still there,staring.He was quiet.Too quiet.Ive never seen him like that before.What would happen if things don't go the right way?I started to question myself about all the possibilitys..This isn't how it went the first time.He didn't speak to me,at all.I left that place walking down the dark streets.

There was no one around.The only person walking alone,was me.I stopped before opening the door to my apartment,something is weird.Its starting to put me off.I walked inside to see Sasaki standing there with a smile on his face.He wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled the crook of my neck.

"Welcome home,(NAME)."He pecked my lips,I was completely frozen."(NAME)..?Is there something wrong?"I shook my head quickly.

"No no!"

"Hm,I see your still a bit shy about this stuff.I don't blame you,we've only been married for a three months anyway.I saw you at the cafe,I would have said something but I wanted to get home before you."He smiled again as he held my hands in his. 

"R-Right...i just need time to get used this is all.."I gave him a reassuring smile and he reciprocated.I was going to walk pass him when he stopped me.

"If you need to get used to these sort of things....I'll be willing to help (NAME)."

"A-Ah...mhm..."He wrapped his strong arms around me and brought me close.I put my hands on his chest and immediately became flustered as he held a strand of my hair with his fingers.


"Trust me."A blush crept its way onto my cheeks,dusting them into a bright red colour.

"H-Haise.."His face inched closer until his soft lips were planted on mine.His body pressed up against mine as we shared a sweet passionate kiss.We both pulled back with slightly red faces,

"I-I'll make some coffee."I stuttered.

"G-Good idea."He said and made his way into the living room where as I took of my coat slowly.We sat together as an awkward silence filled the room.We refrained from speaking any words until we were sat up in bed.

I grabbed a book beside me on the night stand and flipped the pages.I pulled a strand of -H.C- hair behind my ear.I was sat in Sasaki's lap without even knowing because I was so caught up in the book.The wording was spectacular,I was drifting off.

"(NAME)?~"I heard Sasaki coo as he rested his chin on my shoulder peering at the book I was reading.

"You like it that much that your ignoring me?..."I briefly looked at his expression,he was puffing his cheeks slightly.Like a kid would,

"Mhm mhm."I kept reading the book,my eyes scanned the pages.I felt something on  my neck,Sasaki kissed the back of my neck which weakened my concentration.I hid my face in the book waiting for him to give up.He murmured against the nape of my neck,

"(NAME)~Pay more attention to me..~"He wrapped his strong arms  around my waist.I tried to make it look like I didn't notice at all,but it was bothering me.

"(NAME)~Pay attention to your husband for once~Your always like this ever since we got married..."He sighed softly and pressed his forehead against my back,hands still around put waist.I looked back to see that his hair was covering his face,

"..."I sighed before talking,"How can I make it up to you?Is there anything you want or need?Ill give or get it for you,O.K?"I said and he lifted his head to see me put the book aside.

"We haven't done i-"I smacked him with a pillow and he started to whine after wincing in pain,

"No."I crossed my arms and stared at him."Anything other than that?"

"Ehhhhh?You asked if there was anything I needed or wanted you'd get it or give it for me~I want you and need you~"He spread his arms wide and I threw another pillow his way."ITA!"

"Anything except that!"He rubbed his cheek and pouted,

"Well,there's nothing else I want."

I raised a brow,"A-Are you sure?"

"Mhm."He smiled and laid down,"Come here.It's late and we have work tomorrow."I joined him and he held me in his arms the whole night.I woke up and saw that he was still sleeping.His face as angelic as ever,I pecked his lips and got up when I felt a hand hold onto my wrist.I was pulled back,I looked up to see Sasaki staring down at me.


"Good morning,(NAME)~"He pressed his lips against mine,I was caught by surprise and let my guard down.I felt his tongue slip into my mouth and pulled back with a red face.

"H-Haise!"He chuckled and his lips transformed into a heavenly smile,

"I love seeing your cute reactions."I punched his shoulder playfully and puffed my cheeks,he softly laughed."I love you."

"...Love you too..."

"Doesn't seem like it."


"Sorry,sorry!Stop hitting me with pillows!"He blocked his face with his arms that formed 'X' over his face.He closed one and eye and looked at me,

"Your terrible...Do you think I don't love you?"

"Seems like it."

"Ack!O.K I'm sorry I'm sorry!I was joking!"

"Your not very good at jokes."I frowned and brought the covers over my head facing away from him.I felt his arms around my form inside the sheets.I felt my temperature raise as he brought me closer,I could hear his soft voice despite being trapped in the blanket.

"I said I'm sorry.."


"(NAME)~..."Damnitt,why is he so irresistible?

"..."I slowly emerged from the covers,I was unsure of what would happen...This guy is full of surprises.

"(NAME)."He sounded so serious,for the first time,his all smile dropped.A stern expression fixed on his face.He inched closer and held both my hands in his own,

"W-What is it...?"I couldn't stand the sudden the tension between the two of us.

"Promise me.You'll never leave me."I swear this guy drives me crazy.

"W-Why would-"I was cut off when he brought me into an embrace.He nuzzled the crook of my neck and held onto me for dear life..His grip on me tightened as he spoke,his voice wavering

"Please...don't.."The blanket slid down from the top of my head as his hand held the back of my head.He closed the smallest space between us by pushing me towards him slightly.

"Please..and..if something happens between us.."

"Haise.."My hands reached up on his back,before I closed my eyes.I reached for his hair and stroked it soothingly as he continued.

"Don't forget me."My eyes snapped open,they were wide and I pulled back looking into his eyes.I felt tears threatening to fall.I hugged him tightly not letting go,letting the salty tears run down my face.

"Don't say that...because..."I stammered."B-Because we'll always be together!Forever!O.K?So...don't say things like that.."He was silent and just brought me closer towards him holding me by waist.

A Long Time Ago....( Sasaki Haise x Reincarnated! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now