Fabricated Truth.「Chapter Six」

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The truth.I have always longed for the truth ever since i was a young child,and now people have been longing to know the truth about me..So this is the time that the truth is to be spoken of.The truth of this was that,yes this may have been an alternate world that was created from my fabrication.I now know that as my true alive self has woken up,this was because all along i was only a sleep.A sleep in a coma for a while,these thoughts of what may happen to me were born out of the darkest part of me the part that has fears and un settling thoughts.This was what had actually happened,and this is not the fabricated truth...

It was on a dark dim day when i was put in a coma because i had overdosed on purpose,i thought that if i overdosed my suffering would come to an end.This put me in a state that was in the form of a coma,people had come to see me every now and then but after days;weeks and months none had come to see me.They didn't know that i was still watching over them even if i was in a coma..However one day i had finally woken up,that day..was today.After,all this time i had been dreaming in a world that seemed endless to me.That world felt so real to me though..it was as if what i had just been through gave me a taste of the future..

I would as if seem that what ever i had just seen in my dream,was actually going to happen to all of us in the future.How can i prevent that though?I am but a mere human in love with a ghoul..I am weak and have no reason to interfere with the ghouls,i know they will end up eating me..no matter how hard i try to reach out to them..even my own friend who i love.I can't even help myself get stronger and yet i want to help the ghouls who are struggling to survive..Unless,i help them..I want to help them..I should help them..I will help them.Even if it comes to sacrificing myself for those who i love and cherish,at least i die knowing that those people love me back.I can't let anyone forget each other,forgetting someone is heart-breaking.No one wants to be forgotten..or at least that is how i feel.

I have always remembered getting sick as a child,that meant that i couldn't go to school as much and i even had to force myself to go to school at one point,despite my horrible condition which dragged me down.My past was better yet the worst experience i have went through so far:

"Dear,(NAME) we need to talk about her!"

"No i refuse to talk about that thing."

"That 'thing' is our daughter!"

"I refuse to talk about such a person."

"Dear,How can you say that?DEAR DON'T LEAVE US!"

"SHUT UP!"I was woken up by the quarrelling of my mother and father when i heard my mother's screams of agony and pain.I enter the room only to see my mother dead and cold on the floor in a pool of her own blood.My father was staring down at her and then at me with a big kitchen knife that was all bloody in his hands.I knew that my father was a doctor and what was in his briefcase of needles and syringes or so i was told by my dearest mother,who i am now watching slowly die before my very own eyes..Murdered by my father who i had loved and was deceived by for so long.The briefcase dropped to the floor and out fell organs,i held my hand over my mouth and nose in disgust as i tried to escape the room,without getting hurt when i remembered that my mouther was still there.I needed to save her and in an attempt to save her,i helped her up but.

"(Name)...Forget about me..save your...self..please...li..sten..to your mother...please..(NAME).."My mother said in a raspy voice as she was slowly dying in front of me.


"(NAME)...Please..promise me you will take care...of yourself.."


"I'm sorry..sweetie..but mummy has to go..now.."

"(NAME)!!!!!"A angry roaring voice came from my father,my mother pushed me away as he swung the knife at us,she screamed in agony once again as the knife was driven into her throat slashing at her voice box with a loud sound as blood gushed out of the opening.She dropped to the floor trying to look up at me,she mouthed her words reaching out her hand at me.

"I love you,My sweet Angel."Her hand was chopped of which then fell in front of me.The last thing that happened to me was my father towered over me with the knife in hand.

"Sleep well...My beautiful daughter.."

I couldn't remember what happened after that,but when i woke up my father had been killed.He had many holes in his body which blood gushed out from staining his pure white coat.His jaw was hanging down and his eyes were not in his sockets,instead it was in front of him.I remembered staring down into his dark black eye sockets,when i accidentally steeped on his eyes with my shoe.

I ran away from that place and found a place to stay.After,that i had some how managed to survive on my own from then.That event had haunted me through out my life though as his smiling face tormented me,i was kind of happy that he was dead...I didn't know why he had organs in his case but since then..i always wondered why i woke up in bed with blood spread all over me..

This is no longer the fabricated truth.

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