Reflections.「Chapter Three」

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(Your P.O.V)

I laid back down onto the bed lying on my side as i looked out of the vast window that lined along the room i was in.There was a beautiful view of the city form my perspective.I gazed outside as a reflection came into sight, i leaned forward to closely examine the image that was in front of  me.It was a women around my age, she had my -H.C- hair and -E.C- eyes.She stared at me sadly before another person pounced onto her back.It was a ghoul he had what was called a 'Kakugan', which meant 'Red eye'.I was terrified of the sight that is playing before my eyes.He was cannibalising her!I quickly looked behind me and then back, the man who has white hair and a kakuja which looked incomplete is approaching me.He turned towards me facing me with a bloody face.

Behind him was the women, she still looked somewhat alive.She has a sad soft smile on her face as she slowly closes her eyes, i look back to the man who looked as if he was going to pounce on me!I stumbled back and nearly screamed when someone's hand covers my mouth.I abruptly get away from whoever was behind me to see the man that had saved me.He had worry written all over his face.He held out his hand for me to take, i took his hand and got up patting dust off of my clothes.

He looked down at the ground looking solemn, i raised a brow at his expression and decided to ask him what was wrong.He slowly started informing me of something important,

"Your friend, (F.L.NAME) (F.NAME).....She...had an accident..."The words that flowed out of his mouth made my eyes go wide.I felt broken he continued,

"She.......didn't make it." That was when everything blacked out of my sight.

"W-WHAT DO YOU MEAN?WHERE..WHERE IS SHE LET ME SEE HER!"I grabbed at his shirt,tears were brimming in my eyes as i spoke."Please....she can't be dead.."I coughed as i spoke once more falling on my knees.The man grabbed my waist as support,i looked up at him and cried tackling him until we were both on the ground.I grabbed at his shirt crying into his chest making his clothing damp with my salty tears.I felt him caress my hair trying to calm me down but noticing he still had a startled expression.

I calmed down after a while,still sniffling as i loosened my grip on his shirt.I looked at is shirt,one of his buttons had fallen,which i had regretfully damaged.I looked up into his eyes and he put his hand on the back of his head,averting his gaze.I realised i was in between his legs putting my hands on his laps.I flushed and was about to get up when he pulled my arm towards his chest.

"It's OK....We can stay like this for as long as you want..."He whispered in my ear as i started to steam up from embarrassment .I nodded slowly and got into a comfortable position making sure not to make physical contact with him.We both looked away from each other,when i had an urge to ask him something.We both looked at each other,

"Um!"My mouth was a gape and i closed it and said,

"Y-you go first."

"No..Y-you."I looked at him and then said,

"What is your name?"

"!!,Ah S-sasaki Haise...And you?"

"Oh..(L.NAME) (NAME), so it's Sasaki-San?"I smiled as i said his name.

"Just Sasaki is fine."

"Hm?Then,Sasaki."I smiled once more to see that he did the same,we both heard a knock at the door and scrambled to our distant places.Sasaki hid behind a potted plant and i got back into bed.The door creaked open as a elderly man walked in,he wore the typical attire of a physician as i scanned him from top to bottom.He sat down on the stool beside my hospital bed and started to talk to me,

"Miss (L.NAME), I take note that you had a traumatising accident.Am i wrong?"He looked from the clipboard he had in his hands to me.


"Do you remember anything?"

"N-no...not really..."

"I see..., do you still suffer any pain at all?"


"I could take a look for you if you are unsure of this."

"No no,all is fine."I awkwardly smiled.

"Well,then all you need is to take pain killers if you experience pain and that is all for your treatment Miss (L.NAME)"

"Ah,i see Thank you very much."

He nodded as he left the room, i looked back at Sasaki to see that he had vanished from behind the plants.

"Where did he go?"


What the?-

(NAME)....Listen to me....

Who are you?!

Just listen to me...


I need you to listen to me.

Not if you don't tell me who you are!

You need to be informed before you die just like your friend.




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