Welcome Back.「Chapter Fifteen」

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I slowly sat up as a ray of sunlight kissed my soft skin,I noticed that Sasaki wasn't by my side.Instead,there was an empty space where he should have been sleeping.After a few minutes a person bursted into my room,It was Saiko.I smiled instantly as she entered the bed,she acted much like a child and so I acted like a mother to her.She sat next to me on the bed and stared deep within my -E.C- eyes.

"Saiko-Chan...?"Saiko shook her head slowly and then spoke in a calm voice.

"Maman asked me to check if your awake...So,I came in to check up on you."She tried her best to smile a bit.I chuckled softly and got out of bed slowly walking towards the living room.I saw Sasaki sat down with the other three,we all ate our breakfast together and straight away the four went out to run some 'errands'.They were all to be back in an hour,and so Sasaki had time to talk me through a plan he devised.

"(NAME)...I need you to do me a favour.You know about ghoul's,correct?Well...,I know it will sound crazy but..I need you to lure a ghoul for me."

"A-A ghoul?!"I frowned as I knew that the plan may not work out and that Sasaki would then know that I was a ghoul this whole time...I stupidly enough decided to agree to this plan.

"Of course,if that's what I need to do.I'll do it."I spoke with confidence and no signs of anxiety was shown.The four had come back and I was forced to put on a black pencil skirt and a -F.C- blouse.I was to walk pass the ghoul who lures young women to then feed upon.I put on a light amount of make up together with my -F.C- heels and a plain black blazer.I attached a white rose clip in my hair which pushed my bangs to one side.

I had to make sure that the ghoul was in place so that Sasaki was able to take him down with Shirazu,Saiko,Mutuski and Urie.The ghoul had dull black hair but what intrigued me was his icy blue eyes,no wonder young women were attracted to this type of man.Pitiful.However,I could tell that the ghoul sensed that something was off...Every once in a while he would narrow his eyes at me,I tried as quick as I could to get him in place and it seemed like hours until finally he was in place.

"So my darling~,what have you brought me here for?~"He motioned towards me trying to pull me closer.

"You should wait and see.Be a little patient for me~"I played along with a fake smile on my face.

He smirked slightly and rose his head.

"A ghoul investigator,huh?"He said without even looking back,his smirk grew into a wide smile which was from ear-to-ear.His eyes rolled to one side.Sasaki had stood behind him,his quinque in hand.

"But you see,you can't be that good if you don't know who this women is truly.Or rather your also hiding something."He turned to face Sasaki who had narrowed his eyes.

"Say goodbye."Sasaki said in a low tone before slicing the ghoul's head off.What was off putting about all of this was that he knew so much and he could have escaped.Yet,he let Sasaki kill him.In the end Shirazu,Saiko,Mutsuki and Urie didn't have to do anything at all,I was silent the whole way back home as I become more uncomfortable.Everyone else didn't say a word either,the four ended up going home instead of staying over again and I decided to sleep earlier today.

"I'll be going to sleep first...I feel...nauseous."One of many lies.Sasaki only nodded and took a seat on the sofa for hours as I laid down on the cold bed alone.It was silent in the house,I couldn't sleep at all.Sasaki had come into the room when the clock struck '9:00',I still was not asleep.Sasaki noticed that I wasn't asleep and decided to speak in a quiet tone.

"(NAME),your not asleep?"

"No...I couldn't sleep..."

"I see..."

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