Time will tell.「Chapter Eighteen」

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I woke up in the arms of Kaneki but something was off,instead of black hair his hair was the colours of white.His face was pale and his face showed barely any emotion,


"You feeling better?You suddenly collapsed unconscious."I looked into his eyes as I laid on his lap,I spoke with a raspy voice.

"I...did?Sorry..."He nodded and smiled slightly.

"It's okay,(NAME).You've been doing a lot anyways."

"A lot...?"

"Don't you remember?Your always off on missions with Ayato and I."

"Is that...so?"

"Your acting a little weird...Is something wrong?"

"No no!Nothing is wrong at all!"I panicked for a second and got up slowly.

"You ready to go then?"

"U-uh...sure."I had no clue what I was going to do,I made a big mistake.We walked out of the room down the steps with Ayato and Kaneki handed me my mask.It had a -F.C- 'X' across the whole mask which was black.It was also a mask that covered my mouth and my left eye.We brought a man who acted much like a child with us after breaking him free.He was throwing a tantrum and crying so much,his whines and shouts were irritating but I felt bad for him...

I watched as the men beside him crashed into a closed store,there was a box of crayons beside him.The man tried to spell out the name he had been crying out,'Yamori'.I watched as Kaneki walked over to him and wrote out the name,I walked towards the man as Kaneki stood up.I smiled as the man with streams of tears looked at me,

"It's okay,I'm sure you'll be able to see him when the time comes."I had a bad feeling about this situation.I knew this name but I couldn't match the name with the right face,it was all too familiar.

"Really...?"The man asked me and I nodded with a smile.

"Of course,you just need to be patient...for him,Okay?"He tried to stop his tears but started to break down in tears.I realised then that...this person was the one that tortured Kaneki and I....but Kaneki killed him...My eyes widened but returned back to normal when I heard the man's voice wavered,

"You two are really good people,you know?Thanks a lot."I stayed silent and so did Kaneki.He began to cry again,all I could do was give him a reassuring embrace.

"Don't worry,there's no need to cry.He wouldn't want to see you crying,right?There,there I'm sure one day you'll see him."He started to sniff and calm down and I pulled back with a smile."There we go."


I sat on the sofa that was placed in the middle of the dilapidated room,Kaneki made some coffee and gave me a cup.

"Thanks."Kaneki curtly nodded as I smiled.I took a sip when Kaneki started to speak,

"(NAME),I love you."

"Eh?W-What's with that all of a sudden?"I nearly choked myself,

"I just needed to say that for some  reason,I figured you were so down because I haven't said that in a while."

"Kaneki..,I love you too."I smiled."No matter what."

I felt a little nauseous and I felt myself fall into Kaneki's arms,he tilted my chin with his finger and planted a kiss onto my lips.After that,I was completely knocked out.I opened my eyes to see that my hands were slightly transparent and I was in a white dress.

I watched as...I entered a cafe?I watched on to see an older version of Touka giving me an apron before we started to work.Are these my memories...?Is this a play back of all my memories?I asked myself as I noticed that Sasaki was looking out of the window,he turned his head and seemed as if he were looking straight at me.Can he see me?What is going on here?!I panicked as he kept staring straight at me,a smile appeared on his face as he directed his attention to myself who was now placing a cup of coffee on his table where he was sitting.

I shook my head closing my eyes and everything was dark,in front of me was me again?My hair was split into two colours, -H.C- and white.A/an (Kagune type) growing,the vibrant colour of the kagune caught my attention.A small Ray of light reflected of my bloodstained face,we stared right at each other.We both raised our hands and placed them together,

"...You should wake up now.You've seen too much as it is.Go ahead,open your eyes."

"(NAME) woke up?!Can I please see her?"

That voice....I've heard it so many times...

"Sir,you should wait for her to regain her memor-"

I can't remember....who is it?

"Please.I beg you,let me see (NAME)."

I know this person.

"V-Very well,please raise your head and follow me."

I know this person but I can't put my finger on it.

"Thank you,so much."

What happened to me?

"Here she is."

Who is that?

"Hello,(NAME).How are you feeling?"

Who is he?


"Who...are you...?"

I know him!What am I saying?!


Say his name!I know him for sure!

He smiled...."I'm Kaneki Ken."

The name ringed in my ears,,memories flashed in my mind one by one.I remember...I remember now...!I looked at my own hands and smiled up at Kaneki.

"I'm back,Kaneki..."He looked a little surprised but he smiled once more.

"Welcome back,(NAME).I missed you."



"I love you."

"....I love you too,(NAME).After all,your a good friend but your just like a sibling to me."

Immediately friend-Zoned huh?

"No,Kaneki....I-Never mind,it doesn't matter."This will have an effect on the future won't it...?I stopped myself from getting carried away.

"(NAME),are you feeling okay now?Can you stand?"

"I...don't know..."I tried to stand on my feet but my legs gave up on me,I nearly fell to the ground but Kaneki held onto my hand.

"Here,I'll help you."He held onto my waist and my right hand supporting me,I slowly took each step carefully.I nearly fell here and there but I was getting used to it.I had to stay in hospital for a few weeks and everytime Kaneki would visit me.I finally returned and I was back at Anteiku,I nearly cried when I saw the place.Although I wasn't sad my tears were threatening to fall,I held them back and I was greeted by everyone.It was the best feeling I ever had.

"(NAME),don't push yourself too hard okay?"Kaneki told me.

"I'm fine now!I can to it don't worry about me!"I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Whatever you say (NAME)."He returned the smile.

"It's so good to be back..I can't let anything bad happen..."I said to myself."I don't want anyone to be hurt...whatever it takes,I'll make sure no one I care about is harmed."I promised myself and returned to work.

'I wonder what will happen to me.'

A Long Time Ago....( Sasaki Haise x Reincarnated! Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora