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   "Ow, stop! Babe please stop!" I turn around when I hear yelling. I'm in the middle of the supermarket and see a small blonde girl kicking a tall guy in the stomach. They look about my age. "I can't believe you Evan, you know I need Soy milk!" By this point the guy on the ground has blood coming out of his mouth.
       I do what I think is best to do. I run over to the fight and yell, "Hey what's your problem?" The girl stops kicking him and turns towards me. It's the actress Emma Roberts. "What do you think you're doing?" She scoffs. I gape at the scene. "He's got blood coming out of his mouth! You kicked him so hard he could have internal bleeding!" I go to bend down to the guy and see that it's another actor, Evan Peters.
     "Are you okay?" He doesn't say anything, just shakes his head. "Ok I'm gonna call an ambulance because I think you might have internal bleeding." He nods his head. Emma bends down and whispers something in his ear. From his facial expression it was not something pleasant. She turns and walks toward the exit of the store.
    "Where are you going?" She turns around and flips her hair. "Home. Because I'm done with this loser." She sashays out of the store and I call 911 and they say that the ambulance is on their way. After a while people from the store circle Evan. I don't move him because I don't know what kind of damage he has sustained.
    Once the ambulance carries him to the hospital I follow it. I'm a nurse at the hospital he's going to. When I get there his doctor tells me he sustained a light concussion, has three broken ribs, and his stomach has internal bleeding. He also has chunks of hair ripped out and fresh cigarette marks on his skin.
    I go into his hospital room after he's gone through surgery and has been checked out. I look at his clipboard and see all the drugs he's on and then check his vitals. I'm not invading privacy I was assigned as his nurse. Since he had internal bleeding and a concussion he needs round the clock care.
       Soon he notices I'm in the room after he wakes up. "Oh hello." I say. "Are you the girl that stopped Emma?" I nod and pretend to look at his vitals. "You already checked those." He says. "I wasn't really asleep. They told me not to fall asleep since I have a concussion."
    "Oh. That's right." I sit down in the chair that is placed next to the bed. "Has your girlfriend came to see you?" He shakes his head. "Emma is not my girlfriend anymore." I nod understandingly. "So you were the one who intervened, huh?" He looks at me with his eyebrows raised. "Yea. That was me." He chuckles. "So you're a fight stopper and a nurse. Impressive. I'm just an actor." I shrug. "I'm Evan by the way." He holds out a bruised hand. I shake it gently. "Y/N."
     "You're very pretty, Y/N." I laugh. "No you're just hopped up on a ton of pain killers." He shakes his head. "No. I thought you were pretty even when I was getting beat up." I just laugh a little. "So can I take you out in a date?"
    "I don't think you're even gonna remember my name by the time you get off this pain killer high."
    "Then out your number in my phone as the Intervener/Y/N." I give in and give him my number and put my name in as the Intervener and Y/N.

Evan Peters ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now