Coming out

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Tonight was the night I would tell him. The night I would tell Evan, my boyfriend of one year, that I am bisexual. I've known for a long time; probably since my freshman year of high school but I could never tell anyone. But here I am, five years later. I'm ready to tell him.
Evan is very accepting about everything so I have nothing to worry about. I think. I'm not cheating on him, I just think it's time he knows that I can love any one of any gender. So here goes. "Evan!" I call him up to our room; he's in the kitchen. I hear his feet padding up the stairs. "Yea, babe, what is it?" Evan walks through the bedroom door and sees me pacing around.
   "What is it? Wants going on?" I bite down on my lower hip and start playing with my hair: a tell tale sign I'm nervous. "Oh my god. Are you pregnant?" Now Evans the one playing with his hair and pacing. I start laughing hysterically at this. I practically keel over. He stops pacing and looks at me like I'm insane. "What's so funny?" I clear my throat and say, "I'm not pregnant, dummy. I'm bisexual." He has a look of realization. "Oh. Ok." Oh thank god he's not freaking out. "So. I guess you're also telling me you're leaving me for someone? A woman?" Now I'm practically crying from laughter. "Oh my god! Calm down. Of course I'm not leaving you! I love you. And I just want you to know that I could love anyone. But I love you. And I'm not leaving you."

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