Allergies Part 2

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      Tonight is Evan and my sixth month anniversary since our very first date. It's also April fools day. Tonight I have the perfect prank to pull on him. We figured out why he's allergic to my favorite perfume; lavender. But it's quite an easy fix. He just has to take a couple of allergy pills and chug water and after a half hour he's back to normal.
    So tonight on our date I'm going to wear t again but I'll bring water and his allergy pills. Oh yea we kind of moved in together a few weeks ago and it's been so exciting. I think I might say the L word after he stops sneezing but we shall see.
    On our way to the restaurant we went to on our first date I see that Evan is sniffling. It's already started! "Table for two. It should be under Peters," Evan tells the hostess. As she leads us to the table he clutches my hand. He's been pretty twitchy and nervous all the way here but I'm sure it's just the perfume.
    Once were seated and have ordered drinks Evan just stares at me. I smile back. "What?" I ask. He shakes his head and looks like he's about to sneeze but he doesn't. "Y/N. I wanna tell you something. And it's not an April Fool's Day prank. I promise." He looks like he's about to say something when he sneezes. Again. And again. And again. I keep saying bless you trying to not laugh.
       "What the hell?" He keeps sneezing. Once I feel he's sneezed enough I pull the pills out and the water from my purse and slide them across the table. "April Fool's" I say laughing. He looks at me funny but he takes the pills and were anyway. After a while of me laughing and Evans sneezing stops we decide to just go home because he suddenly isn't hungry.
    I junk I went to far with the prank. We get into the car and drive home. He's silent the whole drive. Once were home he just looks at me looking upset. "I'm sorry Evan. I ruined our night. I thought it would be funny but I guess I was wrong." I start walking off to the bathroom to shower to get the perfume off but he stops me. "I'm not mad about the prank. It was kinda funny but it kind of ruined something I was tying to say."
    He turns me to face him and I look him in the eye. "What were you planning on saying?" His Adam's apple bobs and he lets out a shaky breath. "I-I'm, I..." The L word. No. I wanted to say it first. Before he can finish the sentence I lean up and kiss him. "I love you." He looks a bit shocked. "I wanted to say it first." He smiles his goofy smile. "Well then I love you, too."

This is another request by lexi99douglas so shout out to her for the awesome idea❤️❤️❤️ Hope you guys enjoyed❤️

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