Letters to Augustus - Part 10

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Dearest Augustus,

I fear this may be the end.

I have lost the will to do anything and I feel tired and my body hurts all the time and I just want a hug from you because I love you and when people are in love, they hug. Usually.

I'm not going to Annie's funeral, which is in two days. I actually hate going to funerals. They just remind me of everything I've lost.

I hope you and Annie get on well in wherever the hell you've ended up. You could restart the cancertastic clique (without the cancer, because I don't think dead people can get cancer. Can they? I don't know.).

The word dead cuts into me like a freaking chainsaw. It just seemed like such a simple concept before all this happened. Now it's the most painful thing in the world. No teenager should ever have to feel this so early in life. No one should. Death is a shitty concept, and I hate it.

I love you, and I'll be with you soon.

So long and

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