Letters to Augustus - Part 9

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  • Dedicated to Sir Lofty Muffins-Kirkwood, because she told me about this website and I wrote a

Dearest Augustus,

I am not okay today.

One of Annie's doctors came and told me that she has about a week left to live, two weeks tops. She spoke this morning, which is good, I guess. She said "Shit", which just shows us what kind of eight-year-old Annie is. She had all the strength and fearlessness of all the members of the U.S military combined. You just don't get kids like her anymore, and she'll be gone in a week. One short little week, which she'll be spending in hospital.

Isaac's mom went back to Canada. Not much news about her, except for the fact that she's abandoned yet another one of her dying children. It frustrates me to know just how little she cares, but she's probably fighting her own battles. She's always been so nice. I'd never have imagined her as the child abandoning type.

I'm going to die fairly soon, I think. Mom, Dad and I spent the day out yesterday. It was amazing. We went to that park you took me to where you told me we were going to Amsterdam.

Oh shit. No. Hang on, I'll be back in a minute. Something has happened to Annie.

Hello again, Augustus.

Annie has just passed away. I cannot continue writing. My hands are shaking and I just want to go back to my room in the hospital and cry. I wish you were here to comfort me. I could seriously use one of your hugs right now.

So long and good night, Augustus.


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