Letters to Augustus - Part 6

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A/N: Hazel's feeling kinda angsty today. Expect foul language.


Dearest Augustus,

I apologize for missing the previous two deadlines. I've been really busy. Like, seriously. It's like life's throwing stress at me just to see what I do.

I'm so done with you, stress. You're a total bitch.

Annie was rushed to the ICU two days ago. I was babysitting for her while her uncle was at a film (why aren't her parents back from Canada? And why is everyone fleeing to Canada all of a sudden?) and she passed out, fell down two long flights of stairs, then started coughing up blood. It was really freaking terrifying. So now I find myself in the hospital waiting room once again. I haven't slept in two days and I'm sick of death coming and thinking it can just take my friends whenever it wants (it could at least ask first). That is so uncool.

Patrick is here with me. He kept telling me that "Everything would be fine" and that "I should pray for her recovery" but he hasn't said anything since I told him to "Shut the fuck up, because nothing is going right and nothing is going to be fine. How is this fine? My boyfriend and my best friend are both dead and my only other friend IS IN A FUCKING COMA. So please, shut up." I shouldn't have snapped at him, but let's face it, he's a pain in the ass.

Mom and Dad started talking to me about how I should go back to support group and how I should visit Kaitlyn more often and how I shouldn't be a recluse and et cetera. I told them that I have every right to be a recluse. Mom just looked at me and said "My first boyfriend died of cancer too, you know. So stop acting like you're the only person who knows what this is like." She walked out with Dad behind her, closing the door softly.

I've become such a bitch. Do I have the right to be a bitch? I think I do, because obviously some almighty being(s) is/are picking on me directly, and I'm really sick of it. I could march right up to Olympus and punch all those gods right in their holy balls. I'd punch the goddesses too, but somewhere else, because they obviously aren't blessed with the holy balls.

So I would like to leave you with three thoughts.

1. Gods have holy balls

2. The universe is shit

3. I love you. A lot. Just saying.

So long and good night, Augustus.


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