Letters to Augustus - Part 2

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Dearest Augustus,

Things have been terrible recently. Every day I grow more and more afraid of the coming days. Your death has impacted us so negatively. Everybody who knew you loved you, Augustus. I feel as if we are all going a little bit mad.
Yesterday evening, I went to visit Isaac. No one answered the door when I knocked, so I decided to climb through an open window (I have no idea why, but I did), hauling a very heavy oxygen tank behind me. I walked into Isaac's room to find him sprawled out across the floor with a piece of paper and an empty bottle of pills next to him. I couldn't exactly run to get the telephone (thanks to my lungs that still suck at being lungs and still require the portable tank and cannula), plus I had no idea where the telephone actually was. I speed-walked around the house, swearing loudly and looking for some sort of communication device. It took about ten minutes to find the telephone and call the ambulance. The ambulance arrived about twenty minutes later.

Why would Isaac do that to himself, though? Well, he had lost a lot... Monica broke up with him, he lost both his eyes and his best friend... but he still had a lot to live for. I guess he'd never really thought about that before.

So now that you are up to date on yesterday's events, I can tell you that I am in the hospital, waiting outside Isaac's room with Annie. It's about 6 in the morning and we've been waiting here all night. His parents aren't here, though. I have no idea where they are, but I'm sure they'll be here soon.

You may be wondering why Annie is here. Annie and Isaac became friends at Support Group. They bonded over their love of violent video games. We're a sort of weird cancertastic clique now. It's a lot of fun... but it's still not the same without you (cheesy, I know, but it's true).

A whole lot of doctors are rushing in and out of Isaac's room. I'm really scared, Augustus. I don't want to lose him too. Losing you was hard enough.

Annie is insisting that I come with her to get some breakfast. I'm still wondering where Isaac's parents are, though. THEIR SON IS IN HOSPITAL. OBVIOUSLY THEY NEED TO SORT OUT THEIR PRIORITIES.

So long and good night, Augustus.


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