Letters to Augustus - Part 7

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A/N - This one isn't as good as I would like, but I don't have time to rewrite it. Deal with it.


Dearest Augustus,

I'm so happy today. Like, really, genuinely happy.

Did you note the sarcasm? No? That's ok, because I love you. But yes, I was being sarcastic. I am actually very sad today. Sad and angry. Annie almost died, and she needs a kidney transplant and 1/3 of her liver needs removing. I'm just glad it wasn't any more.

I never got round to punching the Holy Balls, but I did punch Patrick in the face. The conversation went something like this:

Patrick: You need to let go of some of your anger.

Me: I told you to shut up.

Patrick: It'll definitely help.

Me: Face. Closed. Now.

Patrick: Hazel...

I turned and punched him, before saying "That definitely helped. Could I do it again?" He stepped back, frightened. I laughed right in his stupid face, and he laughed too. We've kinda come to be mutually respectful of each other, though, knowing my friends' reputation, he'll probably get cancer again and die. Isn't that a positive thought?

That's all your death has brought me. Those "positive" thoughts.

Sometimes, late at night, I consider joining you and Isaac. Then I remind myself that I can't, because of Mom and Dad and Annie and Patrick and everyone else who'd miss me. Why do people have to befriend me? I thought I didn't want this grenade to cause any casualties. Well that plan's gone down the toilet. I'd better start thinking up a plan B.

Isaac's mom came to visit Annie in the hospital yesterday. I told her to piss off, because her son was dead and she didn't even visit him in hospital. I also told her that she was a heartless bitch. She then shouted "I am NOT heartless. I need to see my daughter." I know, right? I was confused too. Then she told me everything.

A few years ago, she'd had an affair with Annie's dad. Annie was a total accident. Isaac's dad got told that his wife had to go to California for a business trip. She stayed there for 9 months, then she left Annie with her dad. Annie grew up thinking that her dad's new girlfriend was her mom. Isaac's dad still doesn't know. Annie learnt the truth after her real mom visited her in hospital about a year ago. So basically, Isaac and Annie are half siblings. That's also why everyone was in Canada. Isaac's mom wanted to hook up with Annie's dad again.

That was a very awkward conversation, as you can probably imagine.

I still don't get why she abandoned Isaac and left for Canada. She's obviously got the IQ of a goldfish on LSD. That would most likely be a dead goldfish.

If you dare forget that I love you, you will face severe consequences.

So long and good night, Augustus.


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