Letters to Augustus - Part 1

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Dearest Augustus,

You are probably wondering why I am writing these letters to you, considering the fact that you are, well, dead. Mom forced me to start visiting a counsellor every Saturday afternoon. She told me to write to you at the end of every week (I don't see how it'll work but she is insanely muscly and I'm scared of what she'll do to me if I don't obey her). So, here we are.

A new girl arrived at Support Group about 2 weeks ago. Annie, leukemia, terrible. She's only 8 years old. God, I feel sorry for her parents. She seems nice, though. You would've liked her. She has no hair (chemo, why do you have to be so goddamn evil?), dark skin and she wore a cute little pink dress that had unicorns on the skirt. She's honestly the most adorable thing in the universe.

After Patrick had finished his story of his lack of balls for the millionth time, Annie and I started talking. Turns out she's not all about ponies and Dora the Explorer (who, by the way, never actually explored anything worth exploring). She started talking about this book she's obsessed with and she wouldn't stop talking for about an hour.
"An Imperial Affliction is the best book in the whole world EVER." She said excitedly. "I would do ANYTHING to meet Peter Van Houten and ask him what's up with the Dutch Tulip Man."
I sort of began to do this weird kind of half-laugh, half-cry thing. After I pulled myself together, I said "Oh Honey, don't waste your time thinking about him."
So now Annie and I are writing our own little sequel to AIA, which Annie is surprisingly good at.
"How are you such a talented writer?" I asked her, puzzled.
"I spend hours writing these. I've got to do something to pass the time in hospital."

Anyway, I'll visit your grave tomorrow. I promise.

So long and good night, Augustus.


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