Against The Notorious Bad Boy: Twelve. Five

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                                                ATNBB: Twelve. Five



Since the incident during lunch, everyone was talking about Gina and Blake. I evenheard girls saying that I was one of Blake’s girls – absolute crap. Nick sat beside me in class, with everyone glancing at me and then whispering – makes me wonder what do these people do with their lives if they gossip.

“Take a picture; I’m sure it would last longer.” I say across the class. They turned around knowing I would say something that even people around the world would hear.

“Kara Middles, I expect you not to interrupt the lesson unless you want a detention,” Miss. Forman says, hoisting her huge glasses on her face. I shrank in my seat, hoping to disappear without making a noise. Epic fail. There’s no hole in the floor, damn it!

“Hey,” Nick said softly. “I heard about what happened. Sorry, I wasn’t there for you but will Gina be okay?” I glanced at the window next to me, watching the chestnut leaves fall off the huge tree within the field making me feel sadden at the sight. Autumn is one season I’m never looking forward to especially with cold coming. “I’m not sure,” I told him quietly. “This is one problem I’m not sure it will solve itself.”

As I watched the leaves go with the wind then silently fall with grass on the ground, I could notice something in the distance – a blonde hair girl and I think was Gus. The girl seems too far but I could make her out if I wear my glasses, I reached for my case and placed the glasses on. The girl became much clearer; she was wearing an outfit – not a cheerleading outfit because that would be Mimi’s minions – almost adult like. But Gus’s expression was anxious, not knowing what I was watching the two exits to their separate ways.

“Kara, you have detention.” Now, that took my attention as I saw Miss. Forman with her hands on her hips with a frustrated expression.“Since, the lesson is such a bore to you; you have detention today for not paying attention in Room 112.” She walked past, students around smiled especially the group that stared at me.

But I wasn’t bothered by the fact I have to stay behind but I’m more curious about that girl and why was she with Gus?


I heard about the scene in the cafeteria, I’m more shocked that Blake is crushed by Gina’s answer. So, Chase (who finally turns up and said he was getting laid by one of Mimi’s minions – typical player), Blake who is currently beating the crap out of somebody in boxing at our local gym and I decided to skip our last two lessons and see to calm the great fighter.

“Stay down, punk!” Blake growled, spitting at his opponent. Chase seemed to be enjoying this but usually I would but today, I’m more worried that Blake would end up putting his opponent in the hospital.

The guy that Blake was fighting lost to him; Blake came out of the ring and grabbed his bottle of water from his bag.

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