Chapter 21 - The Battle Begins, a Hero Falls

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For a moment she was silent, gathering her thoughts before speaking. As Elyssa waited for her words she thought about how much she admired Annette's mom's careful delivery and the wisdom she spoke that was so easily understood. It was rare that Elyssa met someone that could speak so eloquently and with such great depth but in a manner that could be made sense of by even the most simple minded of people.

"Elyssa, my dear. There's no need for worry." She spoke with a calmness that Elyssa had never heard before. The tone alone was almost soothing.

"But...but...I don't want..." Elyssa started to protest but the serene look upon Annette's mom's face instantly quieted her. She's squeezed Elyssa's hand lovingly.

"There's no need for worry over things we have no control over. The 'what ifs' and 'maybes' are silly things because nothing is ever set in stone. At the end, whether it comes sooner or later, what's important is the integrity and beliefs in which we lived our lives, and did we try. Everything else is just part of the journey, and if we fail, we always get a second chance. It just doesn't mean it will always be in our current life time. Right now what's important is that your journey is not ended early because you're needed for much greater things." She smiled as she hugged Elyssa warmly. "Now go, and remember that whatever happens we'll see each other again. I promise."

With that she released Elyssa and made her way back to Annette. Elyssa watched as they made there way off. She was torn. She wanted nothing more than to follow them. It didn't seem fair that they may need to make such a sacrifice on her behalf. What if they were wrong? Tobias nudged her with his nose as she struggled with those thoughts. Begrudgingly, she pulled herself up on top of his back as he started to trot away from the danger on the beach. As she glanced back over her shoulder at the fading figures of Annette and her mom, she couldn't help but wonder if she was making the right choice.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The battle wasn't going well. Dantes and Leo both struggled to gain the upper hand against their two opponents. Somehow Chammaday and Aerico had found them. Whether they followed them or used other means was a mystery, but they were here and proving to be the most formidable of foes for Leo and Dantes. No longer did they resemble simple humans, but a mix of demonic features along with their human like form.

Like Dantes was capable of, their fingers had become claw like in nature, although they both seemed capable of manipulating the length of their claws. At times they extended to act like swords and other times they withdrew to serve as tiny blades. They were constantly adapted to the situation, forcing Dantes and Leo into a defensive position regardless of their plan of attack.

At this point it wasn't looking like winning the battle would be a possibility for either of them. Dantes resigned himself to hoping to draw the battle out long enough that it would buy Elyssa time to rescue the others and escape. Then it would be up to Leo and himself to figure out how to do the same. As he glanced over at Leo, it appeared that his mind was on the same thing as he fended off another round of attacks.

The longer the fight went on, the faster their opponents seemed to move. Dantes could already feel his body wearing out as Aerico relentlessly put forth blow after blow. Leo appeared to be getting winded himself as he endeavored to hold Chammaday at bay. If things didn't change soon neither of them would have the energy for their own escape. Aerico lunged forward once again with his claw hands, catching Dantes off guard and ripping a large chunk from his jacket and arm in the process.

The attack was followed by another swing. Dantes raised his hands to protect himself and a moment later screamed out in rage as two of his fingers went flying through the air along with the ring that was attached to one of them. Aerico, sensing an opening to finish the fight, swung yet again. His blow was aimed directly at Dantes heart.

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