"If you say so, Hazelstar," Rabbitfur said.

            Hazelstar led the way, the two guards standing by the two former NightClan cats. As they made their way down to the clan, Hazelstar could hear the distant moaning of Chesnuttail who was probably in more pain than he had ever been. Hopefully some cat was fixing him up so he wouldn't die before battle.

            "What's that noise?" Deerheart asked.

            "Captives, that sort of thing," Hazelstar explained. "But ignore them. Into my den, please," she said, leading the way.

            "Guards, stay out," she ordered.

            They nodded, standing on the outside of the den.

            "Get comfortable. Sit," Hazelstar instructed, watching as the father and son sat next to each other.

            The two nodded and sat down. Rabbitfur opened his mouth, ready to begin his tale.

            "Like I said, I was born in NightClan, just myself, no siblings. I was in love with a beautiful ginger she-cat, Appleclaw, though at the time she was Applepaw. I loved her so much, but she would constantly ignore me, turn away, like I was a piece of bad prey. She fell in love with the deputy of NightClan, Ashclaw, though he was Ashpaw at the time. It broke my heart into pieces, and I swore my revenge one day to her, not that she would care.

            "Later, I found out her sister, Acorntail, or Acornpaw, was in love with me, and although I first thought of her as annoying, we grew in love. She had four kits- all brown furred like herself. We had three sons and one daughter, all good warriors.

            "But I still swore my revenge on Appleclaw, and seeing her with her four kits shattered my heart. The prettiest of all, or the daughter she favored the most, was Cherryfur. Every cat adored that she-cat in the clan. She had a gray calico pelt, and I swore, one day, she'd be leader.

            "Cherryfur had a mate, Oakpool, and soon, she began expecting kits. It was time to begin my revenge...When Cherryfur went into labor, I planned to kill her kits, and perhaps her as well. I snuck into the den, ready to kill them, but Cherryfur guarded her three kits with her body, and I ended up killing her instead, not the kits. Her brother came in to attack me, but it was easy to fight him off. Her mate ended up weakening me, but by the time they came to Cherryfur's side, she was dead.

            "Cats looked at me in shock. They were shocked that such a great warrior had killed a clanmate and left three kits motherless. My own mate looked at me as if I were a monster. I was exiled, of course, and I begged my family to come with me. My mate refused and told she didn't love me anymore. My sons and daughter decided not to come. Only Deerheart, my loyal son, came."

            Hazelstar nodded. This cat was evil all right. She had never thought of revenge to be so painful that way. Perhaps she would learn lessons from the tom.

            "Very well. I believe you, Rabbitfur. And, I'm willing to make you members of MoonClan."

            Deerheart cheered, and Rabbitfur nodded.

            "Thank you, Hazelstar."

            "But," she began. "I don't trust you completely. Two nights in the captive den, and we'll see how you do. Then, we'll make you members."

            "Thank you, Hazelstar. You don't know how much this means to us," he explained, smiling.

            "You're very welcome. Now, into the den. Try not to talk too much to my stupid FoxClan captives. They're idiots," she laughed, watching as the two were led off.

            As they waved good-bye, Hazelstar curled into her nest, glad things were starting to go well.

The sun rose on the second day of Rabbitfur and Deerheart's day in the captive den, and so far, they'd been doing well. As long as everything went well into the evening, things would be going smoothly, and she'd have two more members.

            Hazelstar sat in the center of the camp, chewing away at a fresh squirrel. Chesnuttail had been healing, and she hoped he could fight in battle. She didn't want to kill her captives. No, she would keep them alive so they could watch as their clanmates looked in shock as they betrayed them. Just the thought made her grin.

            A yowling noise made Hazelstar jumped, and she turned, watching the guards she had sent off were returning to camp, Jetfur and Tigerstripe squirming in their grip.

            Hazelstar's eyes widened, and she let out a pleasant smile.

            "BROTHER!" she exclaimed.

            The injured Tigerstripe looked up, his eyes weary with exhaustion. "Sister," he growled, squirming even more. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"

            "I had thought you were a true MoonClan cat," Hazelstar whimpered. "But I was wrong. You're nothing but a softy now."

            "She's messing with you, Tigerstripe," Jetfur argued.

            "Oh, who's this?" Hazelstar asked. "Is it not the childish she-cat who left MoonClan running with my little brother."

            "I'm not little!" Tigerstripe argued.

            And he was right. He was larger than Hazelstar and Chesnuttail. He was larger than Leopardtail when she was alive at the time, but he was tired, and he could not escape the grip of the guards.

            "Leave Jetfur alone!" Tigerstripe snapped as Hazelstar touched Jetfur's small face with her tail.

            "Oh, I didn't know she was special to you," Hazelstar admitted.

            "Don't egg her on, Tigerstripe," Jetfur argued.

            Jetfur let out a yowl as Hazelstar brought a claw down her cheek.

            "STOP IT!" Tigerstripe hissed.

            "Throw them into the captive den with the others. And to you, my brother," Hazelstar purred.

            Tigerstripe looked up at Hazelstar, his eyes widened with fear.

            "I trust you will fight for MoonClan."

            "Never," he growled.

            "Wrong answer," she said, swiping him on the head. He fell unconscious, and the guards carried him off as well as the wailing Jetfur, shoving them into the captive den. At last, the plan was all coming together...

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