The dark and stormy night

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She threw her arms around Angel. "Omg! You're back!"

Angel giggled a little and hugged her back. "Sure am," she said and opened the door.

Hillary followed her in with a hop in her step. "You my girl," she said, flopping down on the couch and pointing her finger at her. "Have to tell me everything."

Angel gave a weak smile from the kitchen where she put the kettle on and turned towards the cupboard. "Italy is amazing," she said, not knowing what else to say.

Hillary tucked her legs under her. "And...? What about you and Brooklyn?" She singsonged and gave Angel a wink.

Angel felt a slight blush coming on. She threw teabags into two mugs and made her way towards the kettle. "Well," she started while grabbing the kettle and pouring the boiling water into the two cups. "I'm staying with him for a little while." She bit her lip.

Hillary's mouth dropped. "Excuse me? You're moving in with him? What happened while you two were gone!"

Angel turned around. "No, it's because -" she stopped herself quickly and turned towards throwing sugar in the tea again.

Hillary got up from the couch and came to sit on a counter chair. "Because of what?" She asked, raising her eyebrows.

Angel pursed her lips and lifted her head from the tea. She stared at Hillary's clueless face and thought about how this girl has been there for her this whole time. She felt her rigid body loosen. "I'm just staying with him because someone is -" she felt herself chocking on her words again. "Stalking me," she said softly.

Hillary's eyebrows flew up. "Are you serious?" She asked. Concern laced her features. "Shouldn't you call the police?" She asked.

"No!" Angel said a bit too loudly and Hillary stammered. "No, I mean it's not that serious," she quickly corrected herself. "I'm just doing this for incase." She let out a breath of relief.

Hillary nodded her head. "Okay," she said and put her hand over Angel's. "But if anything else happens, you can tell me and I'll help you get through it."

Angel gave her a smile. "Thank you," she said. "That means a lot to me."

Hillary smiled and got up from the chair. "Now come on," she said and made her way to the stairs. "You need to get packed for staying at Brooklyn's."

Angel grabbed the two mugs of tea and followed Hillary, handing her a mug. "Well okay," she giggled and the two excitedly went up the stairs.


"I'm sorry Brook," Angel sighed, picking up a thick winters coat, black as charcoal. She held it against her. "I didn't realize I had so many things to buy."

"It's fine," Brooklyn said on the other line of the phone. "I'll see you tonight."

"Bye." Angel pressed end and heard thunder from outside the mall. She didn't realize how cold and stormy it still is even though it's the last month of winter. She quickly tried on the jacket and grinned as it fit perfectly. She took it off and took it towards the counter along with her new grey scarf and navy blue beanie. There was another strike of thunder and she jumped. The guy behind the till chuckled and Angel gave a weak smile.

"A little jumpy aren't we," he said while ringing up her clothes.

Angel folded her arms around her chest. "No kidding," she mumbled.

He handed her her bag and she smiled, thanking him.

"Take care of yourself," he said. "The storm is getting worse outside and it's really dark."

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